Mrs. Colonel William Hunter Blair
My dear Madam:
Under whose name and auspices can I present this work to the Public with more advantage to it and to its Author than yours ? My motives in dedicating it to you are two-fold-gratitude and inclination. The Public, so greatly indebted to your exquisite pencil for its illustration, can appreciate the former; but the other could be understood only by one who, like me, has been followed, into the heart of the Hindoo Olympus by an adventurous Conuntry-woman, who has the taste to admire and the skill to delineate the beauties it contains. It would have been sufficient to command my homage that you had been at Aboo; but you have done more--you have brought aboo to England.
I am, My Dear Madam, Faithfully and truly your's
( Taurapa arti anon)
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