In one case, however, -ia - > -i- These are the occurrences of the past participles in OG. În OG, past participles of the type -iu m. and - iu n. are common; they have developed from the late MIA - iau and - iau.
Historically, there is no explanation for -iau, -iau; it can only be explained as Sk. -itaḥ m., - itam n., Pk. - ia m. and - ia n. further extended in late MIA period with u and -u to conform to the ending of m. and n. nouns, with which these participles agree in gender, number and case. Proto-Gujarati participles -iau and - iaŭ are, therefore, analogically formed. - ii > i: (Sk. kānicit, Pa. kānici) käi. some',
(Sk. asīti ) asi eighty'. -if-> -1 -: (Sk. vicinoti * viinai > vinai > 'gathers'.
(Sk. dvitiyakah) biijau > bijau' second'. (ii) ea, eu, ei > -e
- ea > -e: (*du - veda - ) duvea> duve one who belongs to the
group of the two vedas, a surname'.
(Sk. esā, Pk. esā ) ea > e. 'that-f.' - ea - >-e-: (Sk. vedanā ) veana > vena 'pain',
(Sk. devara - ) * dearu > * deru. - eu > -e: Loc. pl. of nouns, such as (Sk. deveșu, Pk. devehu ) deveu
> deve. (Sk. bhāreya - ) bhāreu > bhāre 'heavy'. (Sk. dve khalu, Pk. be kkhu, behu) beu > betwo'. (Sk. meghah, Pk.
meho ) meu > me 'rain'. - ei > -e: (Sk. * devebhiḥ, Pk. devebi )
* devei > deve; inst. pl. suffix is - e. (iii) -ữa > -ū: (Sk. yükā, Pk. juā) jūa > jū.louse',
(Sk. katuka-) kadua > kadü. -ña- > -U-: (Sk. sukah-) suadau > sūdau parrot'.
(Sk. rüpam-) rūadau > rūdau' proper '. ău - > -ū-: (Sk. udumbarah ) uumbara- > ūbara- Ficus glomerata' (iv) -oa > -o: (Sk. jalaukā ) jaloa > jalo. leech'
-oa->-0-: (Sk. stokam-) thoadaū > thodaù' little '. -ou >-0: (Sk. anudyogah)* anujjou > anojo day of rest'. -oi > -o:(Sk. kocit ) koi > ko. some one'. ) - ha > -a: (Sk. mātā) * māa > mā'mother'.
- Ka - > -ā-: (Sk. bhājanam - ) * bhāaņaū > *bhāņaū receptacle'. - aä - > * - : (Sk. bhändāgāra - ) *bhandäāra -- > bhandāra 'store'.
Non-final groups of the type - jā - and - uā - are not contracted in OG : hathiāru "weapon', suāri “having caused to sleep'. Similarly - oi - is not contracted :joisi 'astrologer! Groups such as - ie - which are permissible only non-finally, remain uncontracted in OG, naliera
coconut'. Of these, - oi - is contracted to -0 - in the later period, while others remain uncontracted till present-day Gujarati.
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