yra pavittu “ pure " adj. dir. sg. n. 540; lw. Pk. 93 pāre " foot " sub. dir. sg. m. 85; pãe loc. pl. pavitta-; Sk, pavitra-.
1 74, 526. Sk. padah, l'k. pāa-, ext. in OG. Bloch qarts pasariu « spread" past part. dir. sg. m. Pāv, Turner pau. 446. Sk. prásarati lk. pasarai. Bloch pasar, TSVITS paudharau “ welcome, lit. lay your foot Turner pasrinu.
on " v. pres. Ist sg. der. s. v. pan and Sk. dhāra
yati; cf. MG. verbal base padlarTHIS pasāu "joy, satisfaction" sub, dir. eg. m.
446, 489; pasāi inst. sg. 559, Sk. prasada-m. gréng paumchanaun “ broom used by Jain Pk, pasāya-m. Bloch pasāy.
monks to wipe the floor- to prevent insects
being killed while walking eto." sub. dir. sg. n. ET pahara “watch, space of three hours" sub.
326; cf. Sk. pāda- pronchana-; Pk. päumchana m. dir. pl. 526; pahari loc. sg. 142. Sk. praharah
-- ext. in OG. for pāu q. v.; cf. MG. pũchyű Pk. pahara- m. Turner suggests Sk. praharab
wipe, clean'; Bloch pusnē, Turner puchnu2. is probably a Sanskritised Persian pahra (Modern Persian pehro). Bloch pahär, Turner | 973 pakaue " sugar boiled for conserves, sweetpahar.
meat preparation " sub. dir. sg. m. 314 lw. Sk.
pāka- ext. in OG. JETUTS pahiranaun dress, garment" sub, dir. sg.
quaui pükhatiyain " remaining at the back" sub. n.325. Bloch suggests relationship with l'ersian
dir. pl. n. 529; also ob]. pl. 405; pākhatiyām perāhen (Mod. pers. pīrāhan ), but Turner
laggu "attached to the back'. pakhati 404; Sk. draws attention to the early occurance of the
pakşa-, paksati f. ; retention of -ti cannot be word paridhānam in Atharvaveda; Bloch
explained, unless as a special loan forination. peharan, Turner pairan.
GHETTOT pakhuni "stone" sub, loo, sg. m. 535. lw. ATETE pahiraim "puts on " v. pres. 3rd pl. 614; Sk pāşāne; Sk. --- writton as -kh-. pahirī abs. 73, 526, also pihiri 537; pahīrāvi
Their pakhi “fortnightly" adj. f. loc. sg. 329; Sk. caus. abs. 548. Sk. paridadhāti Pa. paridahati
pāksika- I'k, pakkhiaPk. pahirai Turner pairanu.
ga pükhe" without prepositional usage steroqe pahilaum "first" num. ord. dir. sg. n. 433; typed loc, 74; also pākhai 446, 474, 526. Sk.
pahilai loc, eg. 448 also pahile 514; pahilī f. paksa-, Pk. pakkha-. dir. sg. 109; pahilām adv. usage, stereotyped
TITS pachau “back, after" adv. adj. dir. sg. m. loc. 'in the beginning' 419. cf. Sk. prathamá-;
110, pāchaum n. 108; pāchai loc. sg. 441, also *prath-illa-. lk. pahillai ; Bloch pahilā, Turner
pāche 143, 433, 474; pãchā obl. sg. 451, also pailo.
pl. 473, 545, also pāchấm pl. 451. Sk, paścā, Ofe pahileraum "earlier" adj. dir. sg. n. 179.
paścát, l'k, paccha, paccha, ext. in OG, Turner OG. pahila + eraum; der. 8. v. pahilaun.
pachi Taas pahutau " arrived, reached " past part. m. 3 pachilau “one belonging to the end " adj.
dir. sg. 74, 559, also puhtau 429; pahutā pl. dir. sg. m. 233; pāchilai loo, sg. 325; pachi522; pahutai loc. sg. 113; pahuti f. dir. sg. laum n. sg. 305, also păchilium 168; pāchiliyam 579; ... pahuci imp. 2nd sg. 481; pahucau imp. obl. pl. n. 582. der. 8. v. pāchau, lk, paccha2nd pl. 488. Note that in OG. the past parti- ext, with -illa- ext. cipal form is pahut, while the imp. form ( and
3:pacheraum “posterior" ad). comparative present tense form in other OG. texts) is
dir. eg. p. 478; pūcha +-eraum; the comparapahuc-; while in MG. the verbal base pahuc
tive suffix is derived froin Sk -tara- ext. der. underlies all derivative forms, which is a later
s. v. pāchau. anological extension. Turner's suggestion Sk. prábhūta-Pk. pahua- replaced by pahulta (Sk.
Es pūķalau “wooden board" sub, dir. sg. m. loan), and analogically sicyáte; sikta) giving
322, 326; pāțalā obl. m. 322. Sk. pațţa- Pk. --- and -- bases, is supported by OG. pahuc
patta- oxt, with -lla- ext. Bloch pät, Turner for present and pahut- for past participle.
pāti, Bloch pohācņē, Turner paūcnu.
que păți "on the seat, bench" sub, loc, sg. f. GILE paika “foot-soldier" sub. dir. eg. m. 445; 144. Ok, patika, I'K. pattiya, MG, pat f. also pāyakaham obl. pl. 537. Sk. padātika-, pāyika
8. v. pāțalau replaced by Pk. pāikka (lw. from Sk.); short qrafas pāthaviu "sent, dispatched" caus, past -i- in OG. is not regular. Bloch pāíka.
part, dir, sg. m. 387, 488. Sk. prasthāpayati,
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