Totarat ana viharatām "in not moving out" at adekhatā "not seeing" pres. part. m. pl. pres. part. obl. gen. 223, OG. ana + vibaratām 1 489,547, OG. A + dekbatā. V. 8. v. dekbai. V. . v. viharai.
of adhikeraun "more and more" adj. dir. Turaganasanu "fast" gub. n. dir. sg. 573. Sk. sg. n. Iw. Sk. adhika + OG. -eraum, Sk..tara-, anaśanam. Pk. anasaņa.
Pk. -yara. spora anahümtā "not having" past part. pl. 450;
frankryt adhivāsiyān "worshipped - by 'means
feratfernt adhivāsiya OG. ana + hūmtā, v. s. v. hoi.
of perfumes-" past part, n. dir. pl. 483. Iw. Sk.
adhiväsita spontfers anāviu "brought on to oneself" caus. past
part, m. dir. sg. 326. Note that though the g anai "and" conj. 38,74; also ani 93: Sk. causal base is used, the meaning is not causal. anya- stereotyped loc. in OG.; MG, an E. Pk. the context is: &ticāru anăvia huyni. inival anna-; Bloch āņi, Turner ani. inf. of purpose 333. Sk. anayati Pk. äņei. MG. 56 anumanai "approves" v. pres. 3rd sg.
284,285; anumauium past. part. dir. sg. n. myaru anuthānu "religious practice” sub. dir. 326. lw. Sk. anumanute, anumanyate.
sg. . 325. Sk. anuşthanam Pk, aņutthāņam; a AVIS anuminai "infers" v. pres. 3rd sg. 403. note the short -u-in OG, before a long vowel
of. Sk. anumimine- 'inferring' anumanain the succeeding syllable.
'inference'. yang anuvāi "one who studies" sub. dir. sg. m.
sg.m. htcai anumodatāna "supporting, agreeing" 355. Sk. anuvācin, Pk. aṇuvai, aņuvai.
pres. part. obl. pl. 112. lw. Sk. anumodayati. Ta ata 'now, here" used as a particle, as a resp
onge to a question. 339; meaning and deriva- w aneka "many" adj. 38; aneki loc. eg. 426; tion are not clear, cf, however, Sk. atra, Pk. aneke prakāre inst. pl. 411; prob. Iw. Sk.
atta. Bloch atã. afant atikramăvai "causes to pass, pasges" T anerau "another, different" adj. dir. sg.
V. caus. pres. 3rd sg. 461 462,589. lw. Sk. ati m. 430, also anero 259, anerum n. 326; -rai kram- 'to cross over
inst. sg. 535, also -rei, -ral inst pl. 442; -ain,
-ai, loc. sg. 73; -rä obl. pl. m. 532,538; -rám n. ofertaticariun “transgressed” past part..
pl. Sk. anyataráh Pk. annayaro, annayara, dir. sg. n. 523 Iw. Sk. aticar-'to transgress.
ext. in OG. anera + u. fafanuara ativikramavanitu proper noun m. dir. sg. 553.
ta anamta proper noun m. dir. sg. 110. POTETE atisar "excess, peculiarity" adj. m. di
4657 apaharai "robs, snatches” v. pres. 3rd sg. sg. 435; atiśau (v. 1. atisau) 426; Iw. Sk.
526; apaharisii (v. 1. apaharasii) fut. 3rd sg. atiśaya-.
544; apaharium past part. n. dir. sg. 465. lw.
Sk. apaharati; Pk. apahări 'robber. afareft atisi "linseed” sub. f. 311. cf. Sk, atasi 'flax linum-usitatissiinum, linseed' MG. alsi.
191ę apăi "in trouble, in misery" sub. 0. loo. Bloch alsi, Turner alas, tisi.
sg. 434. lw. Sk. apāya-. returg athānaun "pickles" sub. dir. sg. n. 500. Stop apuramu
500 ) Sesot apūraņu "pon-fulfilment" sub. dir. sg. n. cf. MG, athāņū n. pickles; it refers to pickles
eg 523, lw. Sk. pūraņa- 'fulfilment. OG. & +
120 in general, each special variety e, g. mango
pūraņu. pickle, has its own name. These pickles are cer appathui 'one's own praise" sub. dir. sg. made once in a year, and then preserved, f. 326. lw. Pk; Sk åtma-stutih, Pk. appa-thui; and consumed during the year. Considerable note the longi. amount of fermentation precedes before it is adoraphodanu "absence of destruction" sub. ready for consumption. Hence its relation
dir. sg. n. 129; OG. a + phedaņu; v.9.6. pheđivă. with fermentation may be noted. cf. MG. Āthvũ v. trans. 'to ferment', ätho sub.m.
" statuag abandhatau "not binding" pres. part. 'fermentation'. athāņū can be a nominal
| . m. dir. sg. 517. OG. & + bändhatau. V. 8. v. derivative, Source of these words is not
1 bāndhai.
bamanal. known; relation with Sk. base à +sthā in the forta abhinandana proper noun m. dir. sg. sense of 'coagulation' may be considered. ! 110,
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