Rayanasāra. - Critical remarks on Rayaņasāra. - Bārasa - Aņuvěkkhā.-Critical remarks on Bārasá-Apuvěkkhā. - Niyamasāra. - Critical remarks on Niyamasāra. --Pañcāstikāya. - Critical remarks on Pañcāstikāya.--Samayasāra.- Critical remarks
on Samayasāra. - The designation Nātaka discussed. 4. Pravacanasāra of Kundakunda. a) Study of Pravacanasāra.
Pravacanasāra in Oriental studies. - b) The Text of Pravacanasāra.
Text influenced by the commentary. - Two recensions of the text.-Criterions of textual criticism and the nature of additional gāthās. - Classification and scrutiny of additional gāthās.
Critical light on the recension of Amộtacandra. c) Summary of Pravacanasāra.
Book I. - Book II. - Book III. - Critical remarks on Prava
canasāra. d) Philosophical aspect of Pravacanasāra.
1. Dogmatical back-ground or the Jaina ontology.- Critical remarks on Jaina and Samkhya ontology.-- 2. Substance, quality and modification.-Explanatory remarks on the three. - Distinction between guna and paryāya. ---Siddhasena's objections stated. - Kundakunda's position stated and Siddhasena's objections explained away.- 3. Nature of spirit and matter, Jiva and Pudgala.Comparative and critical remarks on the nature of spirit. - Comparative and critical remarks on the nature of matter. - 4. The doctrine of three Upayogas. - Comparison with Sāmkhya guņas. - 5. The theory of omniscience. -Some side-light on omniscience. -Omniscience of Varuņa. -- Upanişads on omniscience. - Omniscience according to Buddhism. - Kumārila's attack on omniscience. Omniscience elsewhere and omniscient bliss. -Omniscience compared with Radhakrishnan's Religious experience. - Necessity and proof of omniscience. - 6. The Atomic theory.- Kundakunda's view stated. - Kundakunda on atomic interlinking. - Atomism elsewhere. --- 7. Syādvāda, or the theory of conditional predication. --Side-light on the back-ground of Syādvāda.-Syādvāda in Higher and Lower knowledge. - Syādvāda and Nayavāda. -Nayavāda and Syādvāda traced back in Jaina Literature.- Counterparts of Syādvāda elsewhere discussed. Vedāntic beginning for Syādvāda nottenable. - Syādvāda and Relativity. --Syādvāda and Modern philosophy. - Evaluation of Syädvāda. - 8. Jaina conception of Divinity. - Transmigration a fact and a dogma. - The idea of divinity explained. -Vedic gods and the Jaina conception of god. -
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