Kārttikeyānupreksā of Svāmi Kumāra
The Präkrit Text Critically Edited for the First Time along with the Sanskrit Commentary of Subhacandra, Hindi Anuvada by Pt. Kailashchandra, an Elaborate English Introduction dealing with the various Problems about the Text, the Author, Commentary etc, and Various Appendices. Published in the Rājachandra Jaina Šāstramālā. Double Crown pp. 20+ 100+ 480. Bombay 1960. Price Rs. 14/- only.
Select Opinions Dr. H. L. Jain, Director, Vaishali Institute, Muzaffarpur (Bihar): "Your edition
of Kārttikeyānuprekşā is a valuable contribution to the advancement of Prākrit and Jaina Studies. By your scholarly editions of some of the most important Prākrit works, you have substantially strengthened and
advanced the cause of these studies for wich I congratulate you heartily." Prof. Dr. E. Frauwallner, Vienna: "Like all editions of Prof. Upadhye, they are
an excellent piece of work.” Pt. Dalasukhaji Malavania, Director, L. D. Institute of Indology, Ahmedabad:
"स्वामि कार्तिकेयानुप्रेक्षा पूरी पढ गया । आपने उसके संपादनमें और प्रस्नावनामें काफी परिश्रम किया है । जैनागमसे लेकर अनुप्रेक्षाओंकी तुलना जो आपने की हैं उससे अनुप्रेक्षाके विषयमें नई जानकारी प्राप्त होती है । लेखकके विषयमें भी आपने मध्यस्थ होकर विचार
किया है वह आपके अनुरूप है । शुभचन्द्रके विषयमें भी आपका मन्तव्य यथार्थ लगता है।" Prof. Dr. P. K. Gode, Poona: "It is an index of your scholarly labour in many
Jaina Fields, not known to me." Pt. Jugalkishore Mukthar, Delhi:
"यह Introduction बहुमूस्य, अनेक उपयोगी सूचनाओं एवं तुलनात्मक अध्ययनको लिए हए बड़ा ही महत्वपूर्ण है, और इसके लिखनेमें आपने काफी श्रम उठाया है जो प्रशंसनीय है ।
ग्रंथका यह संस्करण बहुत उपयोगी बन गया है ।" Prof. Dr. W. Schubring, Hamburg (Germany): “I had the pleasure to receive
Svāmi Kumāra's Kārttikeyānuprekşā which you have edited critically with an exhaustive and most valuable introduction........I should like to thank you directly for that precious gift which adds one more bead to the
rosary of your precious works. Prof. L. Alsdorf, Hamburg University, Germany: “You have added another
excellent piece to the long, long row of books that have emerged from
that quiet, scholarly study which I so well remember." Dr. Kl. Bruhn, Hamburg (Journal of the Oriental Research, XI, 4, p. 450 f.):
“In Jaina literature the unknown still outweighs the known. It is only through such patient work as that of Dr. Upadhye that balance can be changed. To achieve this end texts have not only been analysed but must be projected as suggested above on the background of contemporary and earlier literature. Dr. Upadhye has treated this and other problems with exceptional care, and we hope that similar contributions will follow soon as a result of his researches in Jaina Literature.
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