[Max Müller
MAX MÜLLER, 24, 64n2, 68n5, 69n4, 71nl, Nayavāda, 80, 81f., traced back in Jaina 81ni.
Literature 82, cpd. with special sciences, Māyā, 88.
86-n3. Mayidavolu, 13.
Navatattva, 51n5. Mayūra-piccha, 4-n5.
Nemicandra, 96, another 101. Meditation, nature of 33.
Nemidatta, 6n1. Meghacandra, 101.
Nidāna, 31n1. Megasthenes, 93.
Nihpiccha-samgha 96. Meghavijayagani, 94-n3.
Nijjutti, 51n4, 76, 119. Mendicancy, antecedents of Jaina 92. Nilakesi, 19. Merkara, 13, 18, 21-n2.
Nirayāvaliyão, 114n1. Mimāmsā, 66, Omniscience according to Nirgrantha, 7, 8, 28, 51n5, 91 etc. 74.
Nirvāna, of Mahāvīra 26. Modification (paryāya), 61f., 62f., 64, Niryāpaka (or -maka), 92. 65n4.
Niscaya-naya, 42f., 82, 86n3. Mokkhapāhuda, 32f., 35, 94, 9812. Nisidi, 101-n6. Monachism, 92f.
Nitāyapāhuda, 24n1. Monk, a Jaina 91f.
Niyamasāra, 21n2, 38f., 78nl. MORAES G.M., 18n4.
Nivvāṇabhatti, 26f. Mūlācāra, 20-n4, 25-n1, 31n3, 37n1, 38, Nokammapāhuda, 24n1. 40-n1-2, 91, 99, 116, 118nl.
Nudity, 92. Mūlaguņa, 26, 51n5, 91.
Nyāya, 62f., substance and qualities in 63f., Mūlasamgha, In2, 9, 10n1, 20, 22, 97, soul according to 67, possibility of 100.
Knowledge in 71, Omniscience in 75, Mysore and Coorg from Inscriptions, 3n1, -śāstra 34. 14n2.
Nyāyakośa, 63n1, 64n1, 68nl.
Nyāyāvatāra, 96nl. Nāgadeva, 101.
Nyāya-Vaiseșika, 60f., gunas in 64, AtoNāgahasti, 11, 14n3.
mism 79f. Nāgarāja, 5n4. Nandalāla, 106.
Oghātapāhuda, 24n 1. Nandi -gana or -samgha, 1f., 9f.
Old Amg., 119. Nandi-sūtra, 14n3, 39nl.
Old Magadhi, 119. Nandīśvara-bhakti, 26.
Old Sauraseni, 111, 119, NARASIMHACHARYA R., 21n1, 100n 1-2 Origin and Development of Bengali LanguNastikatā, Jainism and 89.
age, 118n2. Nāțaka, three works of Kundakunda Omniscience, nature of 39, exposition of called 46.
the theory of 70f., Upanişads on 72f., Nātakatraya, 1, 46.
Buddhists on 73, Kumārila's attack on Nātyaśāstra, 22, 119.
74., Sāmkhya etc. on 75, Religious exNavasabdavācya, 3nl.
perience and 75f., Bibliography on 76n2. Naya, 40, 63, 81f., 86n3.
Ontology, Jaina and Sāmkhya 59f. Nayacakra, 99, 106, -vacanikā 106.
Outlines of Jainism, 60n1, 61n1. Nayakirti, 100 and n.f. Nayapāhuda, 24n1.
Pādapūjyasvāmi, 25-n4, see Pūjyapāda.
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