the commentary of Amrtacandra and the other by that of Prabhācandra. So, under the present condition of the text of Pravacanasāra, I think it better to give some of the typical and salient features of the dialect used herein than an exhaustive grammatical survey of all the works of Kundakunda or even of Pravacanasāra. It may be that some of my statements will have to be modified, when a critical text of this work is prepared after a faithful and unbiased study of MSS. hailing from different parts of India.
TREATMENT OF VOWELS.-The Sk. Vowels, excepting ? † Ir ai and au, are generally intact; a long vowel before a conjunct is shortened, the quantity remaining the same. There are, however, a few notable changes, which I give here. Of a: mamatti = mamatva (II, 108), niséjja - nişad yā (I, 44); of ā: metta - mātra (II, 46, 71; III, 17, 38), Bhāsa has the form matta;1 of i: vihūņa - vihina (III, 13; see also the v.1.1, 7, 17;11, 8); of u: (p. 112:] purisa - puruşa (III, 57), Pali also has purisaa but Bhāsa has purusa3; of r: gharattha - grhastha (III, 54), pagadam-prakstam (III, 61), vasaho = vrsabhaḥ (I, 26), vasabha in Pali,4 vitthada - vistặta (1, 59); iddhi - șddhiḥ (I, 38* 3), isino - rsayaḥ (1, 33), viddhi - yrddhi (1, 73) Pali has vuddhis in the sense of growth, paidī - prakṛtiḥ (III, 24 *8), 6 pudhavi - pythivi (II, 40), cp. Pali puthuvi,7 pudhatta - pythaktva (II, 14), vuddho - vyddhah (III, 30); of 7: kattīnam - kartřnām (II, 68); of e: dosa - dveşa (1, 78), cp. Pali dosa,8 even in Sk. Ašvaghoşa once has the form pradoşam, which is metrically required, but the meaning is that of pradveşam;9 of ai: isariyam - aišvaryam, issariya is a v. I. (I, 68 *3): the Pali form available is issariya, 10 neva - naiva (I, 32), veuvvio = yaikurvikah (II, 79); of au: orālio - audārikah (II, 79), dhovva=dhrauvya (II, 8: note v. l. dhaüvva in P.). In this context may be noted the forms of contraction: uggaha - avagraha (I, 21), ohi - avadhi (III, 34), cp. Pali odhi;11 also note avagāhu (II, 85).
SAMDHIS ILLUSTRATED.-A few facts of vowel samdhi besides normal savarna-dārgha and guna samdhi may be collected here: jinavarimda jinavara + indra (III, 24), manusimda (1, 1), and samanimda (III, 24 *6); teniha - tena+iha (III, 22); dhammuvadeso - dharma + upadeśah (I, 44): bījāņiva - bījāni + iva (IIT, 55); tāeva - tāe (tayā) + eva (II1, 54). These illustrations would go to indicate that, especially in a samdhi of two dissimilar vowels, there is a tendency to do away with the first vowel.12 There are some cases of what Pischel calls sandhi-consonant:13 annamanna (II, 81), rāgamādīhim - rāgādibhiḥ (II, 85).
| Printz: Bhāsa's Präkrit (B. P.), p. 5. 2 Geiger: Pali Literature und Sprache, p. 52. 3 Printz: B. P., 5. 4 Geiger: Pali L. Spr. p. 45. 5 Ibidem p. 45. 6 Nos. with asterisks indicate the additional gathās in the Sk. commentary of Jayasena. 7 Geiger: Pali L. Spr., p. 45. 8 Ibidem p. 50. 9 Keith: Sanskrit Drama, p. 86. 10 Geiger: Pali L. Spr., p. 46. 11 Ibidem p. 50. 12 Hemacandra's Prakrit Grammar VIII, I, 10, and also Dr. Jacobi's remarks in Samarai
ccakahā, Intro. pp. 28-29. 13 Pischel: Grammatik der Prakrit-Sprachen, p. 239.
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