other Mallişeņa. When I was in a helpless mood, being unable to get the Karanja MS., Rao Bahaddur A.P. Chaugule, B.A., LL. B., Pleader, Belgaum, kindly handed over to me a MS.1 containing the Sk. commentaries on the three works of Kundakunda. With [p. 110:] all curiosity I turned over its pages, and at the end of the commentary on Pravacanasāra, I found a colophon: Srī llişenācāryaa-krtā tikā bhadram bhūyāt. I thought I got the commentary of Mallişena; but a careful study frustrated all my expectations. The commentaries from this MS. are the same as those of Jayasena in the printed editions. The agreement is perfect. Quite carefully these MSS. omit the mention of the name of Jayasena in various places. The so-called Prasasti of Jayasena, as printed at the end of Pravacanasāra, is found in this MS. at the end of Pañcāstikaya; and the date 'Vikramasamvat 1369 varşairasvina suddhi 1 Bhaumadine' as preserved in the printed edition is found in this MS. too. So some definite light can be shed on all these points only after the MSS. from Karanja are made available.
6. Pānde Hemarāja and his Hindi Bālāvabodha REMARKS ON HEMARĀJA'S STYLE ETC.-Pānde Hemarāja's Hindi commentary, the dialectal form being made to conform to modern Hindi, is printed in this edition. For beginners the commentary is of great value: generally the literal
1 It is a paper MS., 10 by 6 inches in size. It contains 394 folios written on both sides in
neat Devanagari hand and some words and sentences here and there are written in red ink. Each page contains 14 lines and each line about 34 letters. 109 folios are devoted to Pañcâstikāya-tikü, 110-243 to Pravacanasāra-likā and 244-394 to Samayasära-tākā. Though the MS. is well preserved, some portion between 393 and 94 appears to be missing. On p. 108 we have the prasasti 'ajñana-tamasă lipto etc.' as printed at the end of this edition of Jayasena's tikā; strangely the sentence 'rpa-Vikrama-samvat // 1369) varsairāśvinasuddhi /11/ Bhomadine intervenes between the first verse and the remaining portion of the prasasti. Pravacansara-tikā ends with the colophon 'Sri llige nācārya krtā tikā bhadram bhūyāl in which Ma appears to be missing after Sri. At the end of Samayasära-tikä, on folio 394, we have scribes' colophons the first in Devanõgari and the second in Kannada script. Saka 1692 Vikrta-nama-samvatsare Samvat 1827 Aşadha-mäse suklapakşe daśami-tithau Sya(m ?)ti-naksatre Somavasara-siddhayoga-yukte Sri-Bedakīhālagrūmila-Santappa-satputra-Bhujabalina sva-jñüncīvaranīya-karma-kşayartham sya-hastena Prābhrtasura-nama-pustakam likhitam // Sri Nandani-grāme Adisvaracaityālaye //, mangalam bhūyāt / Sri Sumari" disya-Bhujabali-nümadheyena sri-samiyaktya-präptyartham // Then follows the colophon in Kannada characters: Saka-varsa 1713 neya Virodhikrta-samvatsarada Märgasira-bahula navamiyallu SrimalLaksmisena-bhattarakasvamiyavarige Jinamati-akkagalajiyanu tanage kevalajñāna-nimityavägi barasi-kottamtha Prabhrta-granthakke ûcandra-türakam mamgalamastu // óri 3 //
It appears that the present MS. is written in Saka 1713(+78-1791) from a MS. written in 1770 A. D. which in turn is copied from a MS. of 1312 A.D. It may be even taken that the present MS. is written in 1770 A.D., and is presented by Jinamati to Lakşmisena, after writing the Kannada colophon, in 1791 A. D. The villages Bedakihala and Nandani are near each other, the first in the Belgaum Dt. of Bombay Presidency and the second in the Kolhapur Territory. That appears to be a scribal error for Mallisena. Prof. Hiralal writes to me "It is not unlikely that this Mallisena is identical with the one commemorated in one of the Sravana Belgola Inscriptions ((E. C. II 67 of 1128 A. D.)] of whom it is said yasmād-āgama-nirnayo yama-bhrtam (verse 69) in that prasasti".
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