प्राकृत- सूक्तरत्नमाला ।
जहा लाहो तहा लोहो लाहा लोहो पवड्ढए । दो - मास-कणयं - कज्जं कोडीएवि न निट्ठिअं ॥ २०९ ॥
यथा लाभस्तथा लोभो लाभाल्लोभः प्रवर्धते । द्विमाषकनककार्य कोट्यापि न निष्ठितम् ॥ २०९ ॥
Avarice is regulated by gain ( lit : as is gain, so too is avarice) and increases with gain; the desire confined to 2 masas of gold is not satisfied with a crore of gold coins i, e. even with the acquisition of so much gold no contentment follows.
सुवन्न रूप्पस्स य पव्वया भवे
सिया हु कइलास - समा असंखया । नरस्स लुद्धस्स न तेहिं किंचिवि,
इच्छा हु आगाससमा अणतया ॥ २०२ ॥
सुवण्णरौप्यस्य च पर्वता भवेयुः
कथञ्चित् खलु कैलाशसमा असंख्यकाः । नरस्य लुब्धस्य न तैः किञ्चिदपि,
इच्छा खल्वाकाशसमाऽनन्ता ॥ २०२ ॥
Let there be innumerable heaps of gold and silver, huge as the Kailash mountains; an avaricious person is not satisfied with such heaps; for human desire is endless as the firmament.
Jain Education International
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