विशेष कार्यसिद्धि ।
" Men are so accustomed to eating meat that, were it not for the pain, they would undoubtedly fall on to themselves.
"From my earliest years, whenever I ordered animal food to be cooked for me, I found it rather tasteless and cared little for it. I took this feeling to indicate the necessity for protecting animals, and I refrained from animal food. "
"Men should annually refrain from eating meat on the anniversary of the month of my accession as a thanks-giving to the Almighty, in order that the year may pass in prosperity.
Butchers, fishermen and the like who have no other occupation but taking life should have a separate quarter and their association with others should be prohibited by fine.
[Akbar The Great Mogal, pp. 335-336.1 अर्थात् — “ मनुष्योंको मांसाहारकी ऐसी खराब आदत पड़ जाती है कि, यदि उन्हें दुःख न हो तो वे अपने शरीरको भी खा जायँ । ”
" मुझे अपनी छोटी उम्रहीसे मांसाहार नीरस लगता है । जब कभी मैं आज्ञा देकर मांस बनवाता था तब भी उसको खानेकी बहुत ही कम परवाह करता था । इसी स्वभावसे मेरी दृष्टि पशुरक्षाकी ओर गई और मैंने पीछेसे मांसाहारका सर्वथा त्याग कर दिया । "
" मेरे राज्याभिषेककी तारीखके दिन प्रतिवर्ष, ईश्वरका उपकार माननेके लिए किसी भी मनुष्यको मांस नहीं खाना चाहिए, जिससे सारा वर्ष आनंदके साथ निकले । "
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