and all these forms
are formed from the enlarged stem in occur at the end of a pada. 113f is the only form in arts. Inst. sing. in, af 120d, is doubtlessly formed from But besides this there are seven forms', to wit, gaf 29d, कणयंग 41c, तिरच्छि and तरलच्छि 97c, उतट्ठि and कुरंगि 97d, दीहरच्छि 107d, all to be construed as instr. sing., for which it is difficult to decide whether we have to take them as formed from the fem. stems like बीहरणयण, तिरच्छ etc. or to explain them as bare °इ stems employed to serve as instrumentals without any ending. For, the former alternative forces us to assume fem. ar-stems like, तिरच्छ, बीहरच्छ ( भिन्त in the case of the loc. भित्ति 96d) etc. for which there is no evidence, while as to the latter, though supported by the developments in the case of er-stems (see § 51 B. (2)) and in Dingal, we hesitate to subscribe to it in the light of the loc. sing. forms in °s viz., बाहडी ( m. c. for बाहडि ? ) 816, दिसि 1420, णिसि 136, 147c, etc. (8 times in all), f 1756, 183e which can be well considered as inflected from दिस, जिस, etc. Still instr. तरलच्छि 970, perhaps loc. is 27a and above all the gen. instr. and loc. forms considered under § 51 B. (1), (2) make it tenable at least in some cases of the forms in that the tendency to employ the endingless stem in the fem. -declension also had already made a beginning. Cf. (from a masc. -stem) § 55, Remarks. It is obvious that the forms in, if any, are the result of the influence of the masc. -declension. The consequences of the convergence of the nom/acc. (forfe), instr. (f) and loc. (for) forms in the fem. declensions are quite patent. Similarly it is the masc. er-declension that is responsible for the one probable instr. sing. form in अहि (आउन्नियहि required by the context for the textual 'आउन्नियह 2226; cf. दयवर and वसण respectively for fa, afe § 22). Cf. also the instr. sing. in of the fem. -stems (§ 56).- 136c, is the only abl. form. in 'अह : सरयह 161d; in 'अहि : सिजहि 185c. Many of the loc. sing. forms with the affix detailed under § 56, Remarks, can be with equal justification regarded as formed from the fem. er-stems with the affix . Loc. plur. in: fa 586, 148a; in आसु : निसासु 173ळ, दिसासु 2016, 2156.
Loc. sing.
§ 55. Masculine - and J-stems. Sing. Nom. Acc. Instr.
1 As to meme 140b, see § 76.
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