instr. plur. in 's/af about 60 times in 8 times; gen. sing. in almost always in an once, in ens (in a Doha) twice;
present indicative:
4 times;
3. sing. in erg almost always in 3. plur. in /fe or a 34 times in i 22 times, in एहि once.
2. sing. in 7 times in thrice. absolutive:
in / अवि 61 tiraes in एवि 5 times.
In most of these cases (excepting the pres, 3 plur. forms) the cause of the employment of the forms with the heavy ending is the trochaic rhyme (of the पद्धडी Or दोहा ).
Regarding the vowel-harmony in the case of the h-endings of the genitive, see § 51 A.
43. Sandhi. In a compound in many cases the initial Vowel of the second member is joined with the final vowel of the first, but frequently also the two members are merely justaposed without such vocalic coalescence, this being quite usual in the Pk. sandhi. So we have f 130a, and - 536, विवरंतर 49c and घण-अंतर 1420, दीहुन्छ 666 and पीण उन्नय 45c, etc. भाउलं 208b is भा-आकुलम्.
Specially to be noted are the four cases of sentence-sandhi: नासासिहसि (= न आ ) 191e, णाविउ (= ण आ ) 1970; Pk. ताणणु ( = ताण अणु ) 7a', and perhaps विसमुट्ठियउ (= विसमु उट्ठियउ ) 86.
Initial conjunct in the seam of compounds is represented by a single (e. g. - 24a) or conjunct (e. g. - 866) consonant according to metrical convenience.
§ 44. We come across a stray remnant of the old consonant declension. It is the dative faf (from far in the sense
Jain Education International
1 For the Pk. sandhi-law governing these cases see R's (ed. JACOBI), introduction, pp. xxviii-xxix.
2 णिग्विणे ( = निर्घृणाय ? ) 85d and पयहत्थिण ( com. = पादत्राणहस्ताः ) 1400 are not clear to me.
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