74, 104ab, 125, 155, 190, 198, 207 and 220 illustrate the former and stanzas 113, 117 and 118 illustrate the latter. We find here the g (e. g. at 133-134, 168-169) and the t (at 121-125) also, though in view of the lack of sentenceconnexion between 121-125, the last-named cannot be properly so called.
He who has created all this: the ocean, earth, mountains trees and heavenly bodies-may He, O wise ones, bless you (1). Bow down, O gentlemen, to that Creator to whom men, semigods and gods, as also the sun and the moon pay obeisance (2). In the western tract the Mleccha country is known of old. There was one Mirasena, a weaver, whose illustrious son Addahamāņa (i. e. Abdala Rahamana), famous for his Prakrit poems and songs, has composed this Samdeśarāsaka (3-4). Homage to the great poet-scholars of yore, who were well-versed in grammar, prepared treatises of prosody and wrote good poetry adorned with grammar and metres in the Avahaṭṭaya, Sanskrit, Prakrit and Paisacika languages (5-6). As it is them that we succeed, who would appreciate the inferior verse of poets like us, ignorant of the sacred texts and grammar? (7). But perhaps there is no harm. For, though the moon shines at night, are the lamps not lit in the houses on that account? (8). Because the cuckoos sing on the tree-top with charm and appeal, should the crows on the house-roofs give up their cawings? (9). If we heard sweet lute played upon by delicate fingers, should that be any bar to our hearing the drums and tabors at female-sports? (10). If the Airavata elephant in rut emits highly fragrant ichor, should that stop other elephants from rutting? (11). If the Pārijāta spreading aroma with its variegated, richly fragrant flowers blooms in Indra's palace, should therefore other flowers cease blooming? (12). If the Ganges making her stately appearance in the three worlds proceeds towards the sea, would that be any reason why other rivers also should not do the same? (13). Because the lotus plant in a limpid lake blooms at sunrise, should therefore the gourd on the hedge forsake blooming? (14). If a youthful lady flushed with passion dances in the classical style, should that debar an effusive
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