units: 2+4. In our stanzas the restriction holds good in the case of the 1. and the 6. , but it is once (199f) violated in the case of the 3. and and the 6. moraic in 199e in such as cannot be split up into 2+4. For the metrically defective lines see Metrical Emendations.
$ 19.
17. खडहडय.
There are onlyt wo sources-one known, the other unknownwhich can impart requisite information regarding this metre, and as usual the definitions given by them are at variance with each other. VJS. IV 731 says that when is
combined with the result is age. Thus the Vлs. treats E as a strophic metre. On the other hand the quotation from an unknown source given in the (on SR. 115) and the अवचूरिका (on Sr. 113 ) states that खडहडय known also as अतिवल्लभ contains twenty s which means that it is identical with
, having five as per line. So the name that the VJS. applies to the whole strophe is found given to only the first part of the strophe in the quotation just referred to. It may be observed passingly that this sort of looseness in naming a strophe and one of its parts is evidenced also in the case of a few other metres. The names वत्थु ( or वत्थुअ, see § 18 ), रड्डा (see § 17) and (or see § 10) are found applied to the whole strophes as also to their first parts.
In spite of the fact that the two parts of the strophe are separately numbered, our conforms to the definition given by the Vлs. and not with one quoted in the com. For, the sentence left incomplete in SR. 115 is completed in SR. 116. and thus SR. 115 and 116 together form one unit and if any shred of doubt still lingers, it is banished by the striking fact that the sey of SR. 115-116 is quite apparently patterned on the illustrative 3 stanza (perhaps a citation) at VJs. IV 74. See Appendix are treated respectively under § 24 and § 20,
II Metres of the Gāthā type.
§ 20.
18. गाहा (गाथा ).
Occurrence: (independently) 1-17, 32-40, 72, 84, 90, 93,
1 भमरावलिआअन्तेगाहा जर दिज्जए पऊए ।
तं जाणह खडहडअं पुब्वकईहिं विणिद्दिट्ठम् ॥
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