The three-moraic to is throughout w except twice: 70a qafore and 1560 7muft-both contraction-forms (see Grammar $$ 41 (c), 286)
The last mora is short without fail.
In a general way the practice of the stars in the Sr. is more akin to that of Hem., though we must hasten to state therewith that the Sr. has no case of 7-fusion as contrasted with Hem. which has ten such cases. Out of the two possible cases of 70fusion in the Sr., 81d (at are the i. e. 11 --dv-|) is only apparent as grammar requires the form iffs. The remaining 80c ( 707 f4 #f4 afsusk i. e. vuurus wwwfull) is doubtful as the text at that place is a bit uncertain. $ 14.
12. afect (agra).' Qocurrence : 112, 114.
Pp. 167 says that the elesetant is made by the addition of five morae to each half of a ater. The form of these five morae must be vvv. Accordingly the measure of the piczy would be 6+4+www/6+4 +ucuw. The Ck. und Kd. do not put any restriction on the form of this additional mar. but the illustration in the Ku. quite follows the prescription given by the Pp. and the com. on Cc. 26 makes it explicit that the additional q291 must be, according to the convention (1979), either a golot (--) or vvv. An examination of the form of the definitionillustration stanza CK. 26 makes it probable that the form --- has developed from v-vw through the contraction of the final two shorts into a long.
Our specimens have always vow, except once (1148 ATE 1707 i. e. wwwww).
In the assist at Hc. 419, 6 both the lines end in --ww and not in wu-vu. This is explicable, as ALSDORF notes (As. p. 52), on the ground that a long has got substituted for two shorts. Besides this हेमचन्द्र's चूलिआला has another noteworthy feature. As a rule ~~~ is forbidden in all the चतुर्मात्रs of the दोहा and चूलिआला
1 The com. on KD. II 17 gives the derivation of the name of whereby
the other names ara also explained. Because in this metre the attr is endowed with a crest (TT) or an appendage ( 3 ) in the form of the additional five morae, it is called the "orested" (aet). U or चूलिआ+ any of the possessive sufixes 'इलय or 'आल(य) gives चूडिल्लय or चूलिआला.
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