expressly stated that this metre is similar to the afore and A ST! No where, however, it is made clear what is the exact difference between these three. Perhaps it may be that the metre with the scheme 5+5+4+4+w-when it functions technically as a four-lined faget, it receives the name II, while as an independent metre it is called for which be to the general class oft*. Cf. Ch. 31 b/8 and Kp. II 28 com.; इह हि गाथादण्डकादिवर्ज सर्वच्छन्दांसि यमकिताघ्रीणि सामान्येन गलितकानि..
From the single stanza at our disposal scarcely anything can be made out regarding the preferred and forbidden forms of the individual tops. The 4. et appears to have a tendency to prefer the form ww- and end in a long as a rule. The fu is permissible in the 1. 11. The great on SR. 208 says that possibly the afore metre is a variety of the 4 metre. The external sipiilarity of having 21 morae has proved here misleading
(b) Metres of the Dohă-type. § 13.
11. GIET ( Feqerr)." Occurrence : (independantly) 31, 69-71, 75-81, 88-89, 138, 150, 156; (as the latter part of 781) 18, 19, 24, 25, 222-223.
This is “the most current metre of the Ap. gnomic-didactic poetry and its position can be well described by calling it the Apabhramśa counterpart to the Prakrit 1991." It is made up of two equal hemistichs each of 24 morae, with the caesura after the 13. mora. The -scheme is 6+4+3/6+4+1.' Following are the details of the forms of the individual 4778. (Results obtained by JACOBI and ALSDORF through an analysis of the Dohäs occurring in other Ap. texts are also reproduced here from KP., p. 72 for comparison. Hem. stands for the Dohās in the Ap. portion of Hemacandra's Prakrit grammar).
Forms of the six-moraic :
The form 83 (V38, So.) confirms the derivation of the name from f444, against SHAHIDULLAH, p. 62. This is according to the tradition followed by the OK., PP. and Kp. On the other hand the V38., Sc., GL. and Ch. consider the final syllable of a K always to be long and hence they give 14+ 12 as the measure of the
T. Cf. Hp. pp. 188-189.
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