with TIET Ort, the strophes so formed received the distinct names argor and are in turn and similarly the strophes der +9164 (CK. 31 ) and 727+ F172 (CK. 38) are named respectively as spesa and gisher. Thus it would seem that Sr. 82 ought not. to have been called fetgor.
This is quite reasonable. Yet there is also a definite point or two to show that at least in some quarters the name erau was in use instead of AIKA. For, in the later days of popular Apabhramsa poetry there appears to have developed a loose practice of applying the name that by rights belongs to the whole strophe, to some one of its parts also. Cf. § 19 for some such instances. In the case of the starto strophe also the same seems to have happened, since GL. 78 (probably an interpolation according to VELANKAR) defines the FIA DHEA under the name tierno (alternatively #paigart). $ 11.
9. gak (Fegat). Occurrence: 120.
All our metricians except artele have treated this metre. Its general scheme is: 6 + +4+4+4 tou +- (Ch. IV 14, in the asa section). By a statistical investigation of 100 91€s of the gags occurring as the opening stanza in the Ap. epic, ALSDORF obtains (see HP. p. 195) the following results: Trochaic rhythm is forbidden in the 1. TT, whose most frequent form is - - The 2. and the 6. TOT have the form v-v, less frequently
www. These forms are forbidden for the other 4-moraic Tots. There is a caesura after the 16. mora; in a few cases, however, it is lacking. The caesura is preceded, almost as a rule by two shorts and is followed by a long in majority of the cases.
Our gaf stanza differs from this description in certain details. The first to has the form vouw- in a b c, wv_vw in d. Only a and c have a caesura after the 16. mora. Similarly the gaš given at Gl. 81 is wanting twice in the caesura, that at So, VIII 37 and Ch. 32 a/15, once.
On the ground of the caesura after the 16. mora ALSDORF recasts the above-given scheme for the gas thus :
6+vw +6/6+v - One serious objection can be advanced against this regrouping of the morae. The principle behind the ATH is, as observed previously, this that the last mora of a preceding 70
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