SAMDESARĀSAKA § 9. 7.1989 (184) or age (*).
Occurrence : (independently) 107; (as the first four lines of the strophe 59€ ) 148, 183, 191 (only a b), 199, 137 (?).
There are 24 morae to each qr. The scheme given by the PP. (109) is 6+4+ +4+6. TOT is forbidden in the 2. and the 4. 777 and the last two morae are to be short. Ch. and others define this metre under the name ayant and their scheme differs in this that they say nothing regarding the caesura after the 11. mora.
After examining one hundred and odd 761976 stanzas from different sources, ALSDORF (KP. pp. 74–75) comes to the conclu. sion that the main caesura falls after the 3. t (i. e. after the 14. mora), while later on a second caesura has developed after the 11. mora., which, in the stanzas examined by him appears regularly, but not quite without exceptions. This second caesura is considered by the Pp. as the main caesura.
In the case of the Sr. all the agers have both of the caesura. The last or is wu-w (15) or --- (3) without excep. tion. The material is too scanty to permit statements with any positiveness regarding the form of the other 708. In the 3. TOT the cases are divided exactly half to half between amphibrachys (-) and proceleusmatism (www). In the point of preference of forms in the 2. and the 4. To our text supplements ALSDORF'S data to some extent:
2. TUT 10
4. TOT 6 - is strictly avoided in both these s. ALSDORF has comparatively higher figures for the last two forms. Nothing is remarkable regarding the forms of the 1. Tr.
Sr. 137 has an uncertain text and consequently it is not here taken into consideration. For its discussion see § 18.
§ 10. 8. FTPUMATTOT (FTAATEH). Occurrence : 82, 83, 85.
All other authorities except the CK. (10, 32, 39), the Gl. (78) and the TEI on the SR, treat this metre under the name #chaat. Generally it is defined as made up of four lines, each line having four qualas. No restriction is put as to the form of the mos. Only Ck. 10 says that all the four w s should
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