Metrical Emendations. The heavy syllable standing in the place of morae 11.-12. in 296 (t) and 55c (a) is resoluble into two shorts in accordance with Grammar § 28 (cf. § 41 f). For 1516 as also for the question of Gana-fusion in 44a see Metrical Emandations.
(morae 12.-14. or 13.-14. in accordance with the fall of the caesura) has three forms in the first instance, two in the second.
(i) www 66 (ii) 77
ww 71
6. (morae 15.-18.) has four forms:
V- 131 www 89
- 59 Like the 3. गण this also avoids the जगण. (morae 19.-21.) has only one form: Exceptions:-92ab afer, eg (i. e. - instead of) are only apparent exceptions, since they are contraction-forms developed from घत्रियय, मिल्हियय. See Grammar § 41 (c). For 151 a, b see Metrical Emendations.
VE 56
§ 6.
4. चउपइय (चतुष्पदिका).
SR. 85 calls the two stanzas next to itself . But their scansion shows their structure to be in no way different from that of a stanza. So they have been treated here as रासाs. It may be noted that after defining the metre Hemacandra remarks (Ch. 37). The various metres with the name 3 found in the metrical treatises are altogether different from the metre of SR. 86-87. 5. लंकोडय (लङ्कोटक ).
§ 7.
SR. 204 is expressly named tee by 203d. No metre with this name is known to the extent treatises on Pk. and Ap. metres. On the other hand the metre of 204 is found to differ
in no particulars from an ordinary रासा. But the designation implies some characteristic peculiarities, which however are not clear to us. Accordingly 204 also is treated here as a .
§ 8.
Jain Education International
6. qefear.
Occurrence: 20-21, 59-62, 63 (ab), 200-203, 205-206, 207 (ab), 209-212, 214-219, 220 (ab). Total 94
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