Among the stanzas of the Se, in question, the 244 strictly so called is found in st. 157 (ab having one, cd another), 161 (only o d), 163 (only a b), 165 (only od), 166 (ab having a pure one, c d an impure one) and 181 (ab and c d both having an impure one ).
An analysis of the 22+3 arffet stanzas occurring in the Sr. gives the the following statistics for the various forms of the constituent 7078 (the figures for the two ofta afts at st. 104 and 182 and one aftet at st. 111 are given separately in the brackets): The forms of the 1. 70 of 6 morae are
www- 20 (6) vw-vv 8 www - 3 -vwv 20 -- 4 -- 2
UV- 19 (4) --- 3 (1)
wwwwww 7 -- 2 (1) These results show that 1. 70 of our ass is built up altogether differently from that of the 31fset of the HP., as the latter has generally the form - with the trochaic rhyme (See HP. p. 191 mid.), while here it is the least preferred and quite exceptional form. In our case there is a strong tendency to two-moraic-grouping and hence a long for the 2. and 3, as also for the 4. and 5. mora is mostly avoided. The forms of the 2. stup of 4 morae are
wwww 39 (2: , www) vu- 23
v 14 (10)
-- 3 Thus the titur is permissible in the 2. Ut and in the case of the. यमित अडिल्ला and मडिल्ला, --- appears to be the only form of this to. Note that out of the 14 cases of the tu, not less than 6 occur in those stanzas which have got the *. The forms of the 3. To of 4 morae are
uv - 46 (1) -- 23 (11)
ww,v 12 - 4 This makes it clear that the root is avoided in the 3. 707. Mark the anapaest tendency of this 70.
1572 is a real exception, c possibly an apparent one, because in the latter case if रमणीय is to be preserved, रयणि (c) is to be preterred to रयणिअ.
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