have the text readings given above the line. In group II, a few sources romained uncollated, or extra sources were utilized even for variants; all such information is also given there before the variants. Group III stanzs are mostly emended and only a few variants reported. Section 1. 2 gives abbreviations for describing the MSS while I. 4 explains code lotters and gives details of the selected basic codices.
Abbreviations used in recording the critical apparatus are: om. omitted or omits; trending in MS text when separate from the commentary; c= leading in commentary when different from that of the MS text; com.= a gloss or quotation from the commentary; c. v. = variant recorded in the commentary as a pāțhāntara; t. v.= variant in the line, or above, or below the line of the MS text; m. v.=variant indicated on the margin; hapl. -- haplography, i. e. omission due to the copyist's eye having jumped to the same letter or word further on in the text; f. or fol. = folio; marg. = margin; orig.=original reading still visible under erasure or correction; by corr. =a reading as corrected by the scribe. The word "text" in the critioal apparatus indicatos my own text above the line. Semicolons separate different variants for the same portions of the text, periods separating variants for different portions. A totally variant quarter is given after individual variants.
After the critical apparatus comes a paragraph of citations (if any) which are meant to give some idea of the other works, mainly anthologies, where the stanza may be found. The abbreviations are as in section 1. 3. BIS numbers come first [ 1st ed. in parentheses ], followed by Böhtlingk's own citations; the remaining anthologies and sources, generally abbreviated in capital letters, are cited thereafter. Any author cited by the work is given in brackets, Bhartphari being abbreviated as Bh.; citations in group III follow a hyphen.
1. 2 Abbreviations Used For Sources of MSS Ady(ar): Library of the Theosophical Society, Adyar, Madras; 22 palm-leaf
MSS in Grantha and Telugu script, 6 complete. None used for collation. Ana(ndāframa): MS collection at the Anandāśrama Foundation, 22 Budhwar
Peth, Poona. Fourteen MSS, plus two in the private collection of the former acting manager, Mr. B. D. Apte, by whose kindness all were made available. Of special interest is 624, a rather defective and oorrupt exemplar of the Kavi Bāļa Marathi samavrtta translation, but
older than the NS3 copy. ASP: Andhra Sāhitya Parishat, Coconada. Fourteen palm-leaf Telugu MSS,
made available by courtesy of the Parishat authorities and Prof. E. S. V. Rāghavācārya. Of special importance for varying types of
the Rāmaoandra Budhendra (our T1] commented version. Bar(oda): The Gaekwad's Oriental Institute, Baroda ; 12 MSS reported. BBRAS: Bombay Branch of The Royal Asiatic Society, Town Hall, Bombay.
3 MSS from the Bhāū Dāji collection. '
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