Laplacian mechanics. Here, not only is the "true" value a meaningless concept, but the actual variation observed is often of far greater importance than the vase determined; much the same position may be taken for a modern critical text and its apparatus of variants. For the rest, this edition might help in the recognition of some ancient Bhartrhari version incorporated bodily into the text of another work, say an anthology. The possibility is rather faint that a major work of Bhartșhari may one day be found as far superior to the śatakas as is the Arthaśāstra to the trivial collections known as Vyddhacāņakya and Laghucăņakya.
I have presented the evidence as fairly as I could without having the space in which to set forth the ideal critical apparatus - one which would allow every MS utilized to be reconstructed with the minimum effort. The reader is welcome to choose from the variants any other reading that pleases him better than mine, or to select any other set of stanzas as the most authentic, in any order that he prefers. In a word, he can prepare his own edition from the material placed before him; but, as I have had the advantage of studying the evidence more closely, with the aid of many more MSS than those actually collated, I trust that lie will not deny me the same privilege which I offer him. If the problem hereafter has been set upon a new footing, I shall be satisfied. With much less aplomb than Valiant, I give my edition to him that shall succeed me, and my collation sheets to him that can get them. Let it be admitted that my own work falls far short of that tight construction, mastery of technique, accuracy of touch, and time-defying surface that characterize a painting by the brothers van Eyck, a statue by Michelangelo, a symphony by Brahms, or a mathematical proof by Weierstrass; but it is all that my resources, other duties, and limited energy permitted me to finish. Even Leonardo is reported to have said, "Peregi quod potui, veniam da mihi posteritas”.
The debt to Sukthankar has been acknowledged. To him is also due a more rigid use and strictly alphabetic ordering of the anusvāra, as well as the training given to two assistants whose services I was so fortunate as to be able to ongage on a part-time basis. Of these, Mr. D. V. Naravane died before writing more than a part of the critical apparatus of the first 150 stanzas. The other, Pt. K. V. Krishnamoorthi Sharma (Visharad 1 gave effective help till he found other legs exacting but more lucrative employment for his spare time. His knowledge of southern scripts was essential for the collations which we made together; his beautiful handwriting was of great service in making the press copy; in addition, I have relied heavily upon his knowledge of Sanskrit and mastery of versification for many of the emendations in group III. These emendations were further improved by Pt. N. R. Acharya of the Nirnay Sagar Press,
On the other hand, he expressed as follows the impression made upon him by iny method, appearance, and the neighbour's dog who invariably followed me to cast
a supercilious eye upon our work at the BORI Guest House : करायपरिबंभ्रमन्मृदुलवेत्रयष्टिशू चलन् विदेशजनलक्षणं सुरुचिरं शिरस्त्रं दधत् । उदयनलवालधिप्रियशुना सहैवाधुना विशत्यतिथिमन्दिर त्वरितमेष दामोदरः॥१॥ अवाप्य गणितागमेऽप्यनुपमां हि यो नैपुणीं सुभाषितरसार्णवप्लवनलोलचित्तोऽधुना। महत्यपि कलालये गणितबोधकोऽथाग्रहीत् स भर्तृहरि मिर्मितत्रिशतपद्यसंशोधनम् ॥२॥
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