सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
षट्त्रिंश अध्ययन [५४
bodied flora-beings is minimumly of antarmuhurta and maximumly of seventy crores of crores of sägaropamas. Collectively the shortest body duration of nigoda-beings is of antarmuhúrta and longest is of infinite time. The longest body-duration of gross nigoda-beings is of seventy crores of crores sågaropamas and of subtle nigoda-beings of innumerable time; the shortest of both is of antarmuhurta.
Gathā 107–Fire-bodied, air-bodied and thick (udāra) movable beings-these three kinds are of mobile beings. Among these three, the fire-bodied and air-bodied are one-sensed beings, hence in other scripture these are enumerated in five immobile beings. This is dogmatic version. Due to rise of sthāvara nāma karma, really these are sthāvara immobile), not mobile. But due to the movement from one place to another fire-bodied and air-bodied beings are enumerated in mobile beings. Consequently two kinds of mobile beings are done-(1) thick (udāra) and (2) non-thick (anudāra). Coming further or afterwards fire-bodied and air-bodied beings are called as 'gatitrasa' and due to arousement of trasa nama karma, two-sensed beings etc., are called as 'labdhi trasa'. All these three are said 'trasa' in Sthánănga sutra. Swetambara Tattvārtha sūtra also follows the same. The first part (śruta-skandha) of Acaranga sutra, which is regarded as the oldest holy text of Jainas, in that the order of soul-abode is of a very different type, i. e., (1) Earth (2) Fire (3) Vegetation, (4) Trasa and (5) Air
Gåthå 169-The shortest interval period of coming out of hell and taking birth again in hell is told of antarmuhurta. It may be possible in this way. Coming out of hell, the hellish soul can take birth from the womb of a woman or she-animal and those must have age duration of numerable years. There (in the womb) with most cruel and sinful thought and completing the shortest age duration, he may take birth again in hell.
Gäthå 170-Extreme blockheadedness is called insensibility (sammürccha). Such being is called as sense-lacked. Not taking birth from womb, the animals and men, in the absence of minddevelopment always remain in dense insensible state.
In the word 'garbha vyutkrantika' vyutkrantika stands for origination.
Gâthâ 180-Among quadruped terrestrial animals solidungular are as horse etc., whose toes are one, solid and undivided Cows etc., are biungular animals, whose toes are divided in two parts. Like stalk of lotus whose feet are circular, as elephant, these are called gandipada. Animals having toes with nails, like-lion are sanakha pada.
Gāthă 181-Moving by arms, like-mongoose, rats etc., are movers by arms (bhuja parisarpa) and moving on breast, like serpent etc., are movers on breast (ura parisarpa)
Gäthä 185-The longest body duration of terrestrial animals and men is said of pūrva koti prthaktva plus three palyopama. The meaning of it is, that the terrestrials of palyopama age-duration cannot take rebirth in the same terrestrials, once dying, they become gods. But having the age duration of purvakoți may take birth of the same age-duration terrestrials. But they also cannot be born more than seven or eight times continuously. Therefore taking in view the lives of pūrva koti age duration and in the end the attainers of palyopama age duration this body-duration is said of such souls.
Gatha 188- The birds of membranous wings are bats and of feathered wings are geese, of box shapped wings, which always remain closed are samudga birds and of outspread wings are vitata birds.
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