४८५ ] षट्त्रिंश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
This thirtysixth chapter is the last chapter of this scripture. It is entitled as 'Soul and Non-Soul'. As its name shows, in this chapter, dividing the soul and non-soul and separating them from each other, they are ascertained in well order.
There are only two main elements in this world-universe (loka). These are soul and nonsoul. Remaining all the elements are the consequences of union and disunion of these two.
There is beginningless union connection of soul and non-soul-the matter. But it can be disunited for ever by practising restrain and penances. The soul attains its own pure nature and becomes emancipated being exhaustively free from matter.
Till the matter is connected with soul upto that period body, senses, mind etc., are constructed. Feeling of myness and indulgence and addictment to other substances and empirical things remains in the soul, it is its unnatural tendency, which elaborates through the mediums of attachment and detachment and this is the world of soul, in which it (soul) is transmigrating from beginningless times.
Separation of soul from non-soul is ultimately necessary for obtaining salvation. This separation is called 'science of differentiation'. As the soul becomes opulent with the science of differentiation or separation, he begins to consider himself different from matter, karma and nokarma (auxiliary karmas).
With the strong trust in science of separation right-faith achieved, knowledge also turns to right knowledge and the soul indulges in the realisation of his own soul and soul virtues, and this is the right conduct. The exhaustive purity and completeness of restrain or conduct is the salvation of soul.
Separation of non-soul from soul, being the main purport, in this chapter the concept of non-soul is first of all ascertained.
Jain Education International
For making belief of the pure condition of soul, emancipateds are widely described and then the empirical souls are demonstrated fully and widely.
In the end inspiration is made to practise restrain.
For becoming propiliator samhlekhana, santhårå and samadhi marana are demonstrated. Sexual (Kandarpi) etc., five ill-feelings, wrong faith, volition, black etc., irreligious tinges-becoming far away from all these and such tendencies; right faith, pure meditation, inclination to the precept of Jinas etc., and purifying the soul, to diminish the period of remaining in this world and attainment of liberation-the inspiration for these given in very effective and eloquent words.
This chapter is very large in all this scripture. It contains 268 couplets.
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