Jain Education International
Illustration (Picture) Index 21
Result of deeds done: (1) The thief breaking the wall caught redhanded, he suffers punishment by the ruler in this world and in the next world he suffers the agonies of hell as the pungent fruits of his illdeeds. (Couplet 3).
Wise and witty propiliator remains awakened (non-negligent) among sleeping (negligent) persons. He remains always alert like Bharand bird, who has two mouths and one stomach. (Couplet 6)
(1) Crossing the wordly ocean, which is very difficult to cross but reached on the shore Bhagawana Mahavira has precepted thus (Couplet 1), (2) Who are addicted to flesh and liquors, afflicted to wealth and women; such ignorant persons get unwilling death, (3) The fortunate persons indulged in meditation, study, restrained and subduers of senses get wilful and pleasant death.
(1) Sinful man goes to hell after exhausting human age-duration. (2) Knowing the even path the cartman carrying his cart on uneven path sorrows when the axle is broken. (3) There are two existences for propiliator of restrain and vowful person-either he attains salvation exhausting all Karmas or takes birth in heaven. (4) Practising Samayika, Pausadha etc., religious rituals the virtuous householder takes birth in heaven completing his human age duration.
(1) Sorrow underlying delicious diets: Eaters of dry grass the lean cow and calf feels sorrow once seeing the lamb eating rice, gram and green grass and becoming fattened; but large bellyed lamb is slaughtered for the sake of guest and cow and calf remain safe (previous part of chapter) (Couplets 1-3)
Loss of much for less (1) Lumplish (beggar) repents losing thousand Karsarpanas for the sake of one Kakini (Couplet 11). (2) Even forbidden by minister the king caught hazardous disease by taking mango, which is harmful to him and died. (Couplet 11)
(1) Three merchant-sons go for trade taking equal amount from their father.
(2) One returns with enormous profits, one with basic amount and one becoming penniless-wretched (couplets 14-15).
(1) Basic amount is like human existence, profits like god-existence, and loss of basic amount is like hellish and crooked existences of soul. (Couplet 16).
(2) Amusements and pleasures of human existence are transient and momentary like a dew-drop on the blade of grass; while the pleasures of gods are like ocean full of water.
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