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Four thousand lion-shaped gods, four thousand elephant-shaped gods, four thousand bullock-shaped gods and four thousand horseshaped gods--thus in all sixteen thousand gods, drive the flying vehicles of the sun and the moon.
Two thousand lion-shaped gods, two thousand elephant-shaped gods, two thousand bullock-shaped gods and two thousand horse-shaped gods-thus on all eight thousand gods drive the flying vehicles of planets.
One thousand lion-shaped gods, one thousand elephant-shaped gods, one thousand bullock-shaped gods and one thousand horse-shaped 5 gods—thus in all four thousand gods drive the flying vehicles of each constellation,
Two thousand gods, namely five hundred lion-shaped gods, five hundred elephant shaped gods, five hundred bullock-shaped gods and five hundred horse-shaped gods drive the flying vehicle of every star.
The description of flying vehicles of the sun (flying vehicles of planets, flying vehicles of constellation) and flying vehicle of stars is similar to
the above-mentioned description of flying vehicles of the moon. The # difference is only in the number of gods that drive the vehicle.
विवेचन : चन्द्र आदि देवों के विमान किसी अवलम्बन के बिना स्वयं गतिशील होते हैं। किसी द्वारा परिवहन कर उन्हें चलाया जाना अपेक्षित नहीं है। देवों द्वारा सिंहरूप, गजरूप, वृषभरूप तथा अश्वरूप में उसका परिवहन किये जाने का जो यहाँ उल्लेख है, वह किस कारण है, यह स्पष्ट नहीं है। टीकाकारों के मतानुसार आभियोगिक देव तथाविध आभियोग्य नामकर्म के उदय से अपने समजातीय या हीनजातीय देवों के समक्ष अपना वैशिष्ट्य, सामर्थ्य, अतिशय प्रकट करने हेतु सिंहरूप में, गजरूप में, वृषभरूप में तथा अश्वरूप में विमानों का परिवहन करते हैं।
Elaboration—The flying vehicles of moon and other suchlike gods move of their own without any support. They are not driven by any one. It is not clear why this description of their being driven by lion-shaped gods, elephant-shaped gods, bullock-shaped gods and horse-shaped gods has been mentioned here. According to the commentators, the servant (abhiyogik) gods as a result of their accumulated such name-determining karmas, in order to exhibit their special traits, capability and extraordinary attributes before the gods of their equal class or of lesser category drive the flying vehicle as lion-shaped gods, elephants-shaped gods, bullock-shaped gods and horse-shaped gods. जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
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