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are connected with Kartik Poornima, two constellations namely Rohini 15 and Mrigashir are connected with Margsheershi Poornima, three constellations namely Aardra, Punarvasu and Pushya are connected with Paushi Poornima, two constellations namely Ashlesha and Magha are connected with Maaghi Poornima, two constellations namely Poorvaphalguni and Uttaraphalguni are connected with Phalguni Poornima, two constellations namley Hasta and Chitra are connected with Chaitri Poornima, two constellations namely Svati and Vishakha are connected with Vaishakhi Poornima, three constellations namely Anuradha, Jyeshtha and Mool are connected with Jyeshthamooli
Poornima, and two constellations namely Poorvashadha and 4 Uttarashadha are connected with Ashadhi Poornima.
(Q. 5] Reverend Sir ! The constellations which belong to Kul or Kul type such as Upakul and Kulopakul have connection with Shravan Poornima ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! It is connected with the Kul (family) Upakul and Kulopakul. The connection of Dhanishtha constellation is a connection of Kul. The connection of Shravan connection is connection of Upakul and
the connection of Abhijit connection is the connection of Kulopakul. In a 45 nutshell Shravan Poornamasi has connection of Kula (Upakul) and
Kulopakul. Thus Shravan Poornamasi has Kul connection, Upakul connection and Kulopakul connection.
[Q. 6] Reverend Sir ! Does the Bhadrapadi Poornima have Kul y connection, Upakul connection or Kulopakul connection ?
[Ans.] Gautam ! It has all the three connections Kul, Upakul and Kulopakul.
Kul connection is of Uttarabhadra constellation, Upakul connection is \ of Poorvabhadra constellation, Kulopakul connection is of Shatabhishak
constellation. Thus Bhadrapadi Poornima is connection with Kul, Upakul and Kulopakul. In other words Kul connection, Upakul connection and Kulopakul connection are with Bhadrapadi Poornima.
(Q. 7] Reverend Sir ! Does Ashvini Poornima have Kul connection, Upakul connection or Kulopakul connection ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! It has Kul connection, Upakul connection but not Kulopakul connection. The connection of Ashvini constellation with it
falls in Kul connection while the connection of Revati constellation is $ Upakul connection. | जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
Jambudweep Prajnapti Sutra
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