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457 451 41 41 41 41 41 $ $
(98) fr<, (93) 3f, (98) gadg, (94) gou, (9€) 379an, (99) HET, (9C) $ gaf hingeft, (98) 3TNT ngah, (20) FT, (39) farli, (??) Faifa, (73) fagna,
(28) 319TENT, (24) w8T, (?) TM, (20) gafaict, atent (PC) UTX<1916TI ___ अथवा शनैश्चर महाग्रह तीस संवत्सरों में समस्त नक्षत्र-मण्डल को पार कर जाता है, वह काल शनैश्चर-संवत्सर कहा जाता है।
184. (Q. 1) Reverend Sir ! Of how many differents types are the years (Samvatsar)?
(Ans.) Gautam ! The years are of five types namely-(1) constellation year, (2) Yug year, (3) Praman year, (4) Lakshan year, and (5) Saturn (Shanaishchar) year.
[Q. 2] Reverend Sir ! Of how many kinds is the constellation year?
[Ans.] Gautam ! The constellation year is of twelve types namely(1) Shravan, (2) Bhadrapad, (3) Asoj, (4) Kartik, (5) Migasar, (6) Paush, (7) Maagh, (8) Phalgun. (9) Chaitra, (10) Vaishakh, (11) Jy
(12) Asadh. It is also interpreted in another way. The great planet 41 Brihaspati travels around the entire constellation circles in a period of twelve years. This time-period is also called constellation year.
(Q.3] Reverend Sir! Of how many kinds in Yug year ?
(Ans.] Gautam ! Yug year is of five kinds—(1) Chandra year, (2) Chandra year, (3) Abhivarddhit year, (4) Chandra year, (5) Abhivarddhit year.
Q. 4) Reverend Sir ! How many are fortnights (paksh) in the first lunar (Chandra) year?
(Ans.] Gautam ! There are 24 fortnights in the first lunar year. 4 IQ. 5] Reverend Sir ! How many are the fortnights in the second lunar year.
[Ans.] Gautam ! There are 24 fortnights in the second lunar year?
Reverend Sir! How many are the fortnights in the third abhivarddhit year?
Gautam ! There are 26 fortnights in the third abhivarddhit (longer) year.
The fourth lunar year has 24 fortnights and fifth abhivarddhit year has 26 fortnights.
Thus a yug which is divided in five parts has in all 124 fortnights.
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जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
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