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only points of difference are that they are born in heavenly abode but they do not move. They are immobile. They are not mobile. They do not have interest in movement.
[Ans.] The stellar gods, stay in the shape of a burnt brick. Their heat zone is in lakhs of yojan in respect of moon and the sun. They are Y capable of forming different shapes with fluid process. They are y surround by lakhs of councils. They enjoy divine pleasure in any environment full of sweet music emithing from various musical instruments. They are in pleasant mood. They are without extreme cold of winter so far as moon are concerned. The cool atmosphere is pleasant and enjoyable. The suns are with mild thought waves. They are without y scorching heat of summer. They are with mild heat. They have different waves. They with their waves brighten the nearby places staying at their place like tops of mountains. They fill those places with their aura. [Q] Reverend Sir ! When the Indra of stellar gods who are outside Manushottar mountain dies, how do they run the administration?
[Ans.] Gautam ! Up to the time a new Indra does not appear four or
five co-chiefs-the stellar gods, who were powerful but not authoritative
like Indra jointly run the administration.
[Q] Reverend Sir! For how long can the post of Indra remain vacant?
[Ans.] Gautam ! It can remain vacant for a minimum period of one samaya (an infinitesimal unit of time) and for a maximum period of six months.
चन्द्र- मण्डल : संख्या : अबाधा आदि LUNAR ROUNDS: THEIR NUMBER
१७५. [ प्र. १ ] कइ णं भंते ! चंद-मण्डला पण्णत्ता ?
[ उ. ] गोयमा ! पण्णरस चंद- मण्डला पण्णत्ता ।
[प्र. २ ] जम्बुद्दीवे णं भंदे ! दीवे केवअई ओगाहित्ता केवइआ चन्द - मण्डला पण्णत्ता ? गोयमा ! जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे असीयं जोअण- सयं ओगाहित्ता पंच चन्द - मण्डला पण्णत्ता ।
३ ] लवणे णं भंते पुच्छा ?
[उ. ] गोयमा ! लवणे णं समुद्दे तिण्णि तीसे जोअण-सए ओगाहित्ता एत्थ णं दस चन्द - मण्डला पण्णत्ता । एवमेव सपुव्वावरेणं जम्बुद्दीवे दीवे लवणे य समुद्दे पण्णरस चन्द - मण्डला भवन्तीतिमक्खायं । १७५. [ प्र. १ ] भगवन् ! चन्द्र-मण्डल कितने बतलाये गये हैं ?
जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
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