47,17957 yojan and someti yojan. Rising from there the sun in the second day and night moves to the third inner round.
[Q. 3] Reverend Sir ! When the sun moves in the third inner round how much distance does it cover in each muhurat?
(Ans.] Gautam ! It covers 5,252 yojan in each muhurat. Then it is visible to the human beings of this region from a distance of 47,096 yojan plus 502 61 yojan.
Coming out in this manner, the sun moving from the precious round to the immediately following round increases its speed by mi yojan a muhurat with every round it reduces the distance from human beings by 84 yojans and this arrives at the outermost round.
[Q. 4] Reverend Sir ! When the sun moves in the outermost round, then how much distance does it cover in one muhurat ?
[Ans.) Gautam ! It travels 5,305 yojan in every muhurat (48 minutes). At that time human beings of this region see the sun from a distance of 31,8313, yojan. This is the first half year. Thus after travelling in the first six months that sun in the first day night of the second half year, moves from the outermost round to immediately earlier round.
[Q. 5] Reverend Sir ! When the sun moves in the second outermost round, how much area does it cover in one muhurat ?
[Ans.) Gautam ! It moves at a speed of 5,304 yojan per muhurat. At that true human being living here see it from a distance of 31,916% + yojans. Entering from here, aheading towards Jambu island in the second day-night it goes on to the third outer round while moving.
[Q. 6] Reverend Sir ! When the sun moves on the third outermost round, how much area does it cover in one muhurt? .
[Ans.] Gautam ! It moves 5,30439 yojan per muhurat. Then the human being living here see it from a distance of 32,001. yojan plus 60 61 yojan.
Thus moving in the abovesaid order, the sun moves from a round to the next round reducing the speed per muhurat by : yojan in every round and increasing the distance from human beings by 85 yojan in every round. This is the second half year. Thus the second half year is concluded. This is the Solar year. Thus the course of Solar year has been narrated.
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Jambudweep Prajnapti Sutra
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