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4 5 4 455 456 457 455 456 4545454545454141414 $ (Q. 9] Reverend Sir ! In Jambu island how many are great lakes 5 (Maha drah) ?
(A.] Gautam ! There are sixteen great lakes in Jambu island. 4 (Q. 10] Reverend Sir ! In Jambu island, how many rivers start from i Varshadhar mountains and how many rivers starts from the large tanks (Kunds)?
(A.) Gautam ! In Jambu island the rivers starts from Varshadhar mountains and 76 rivers start from large tanks. Thus in all there are
ninety rivers in Jambu island. 5 [Q. 11] Reverend Sir ! In Bharat continent and Airavat continent of Jambu island, how many are the great rivers ?
(A.] Gautam ! There are four great rivers namely—(1) Ganga, (2) Sindhu, (3) Rakta, and (4) Raktavati. 14,000 rivers join each of the four great rivers. Filled with them, the great rivers flow into the east Lavan Ocean and the west Lavan Ocean. In Bharat continent, Ganga rivers flows into eastern Lavan Ocean and Sindhu river flows into western Lavan Ocean. In Airavat region, Rakta river flows into eastern Lavan Ocean and Raktavati river flows into western Lavan Ocean. Thus in Bharat and Airavat regions there are 56,000 rivers in all.
[Q. 12] Reverend Sir ! In Jambu island how many are the great rivers 4 in Haimavat and Hairanyavat regions ?
[A.) Gautam ! There are four great rivers namely—(1) Rohita, (2) Rohitansha, (3) Suvarnakula, and (4) Rupyakula. In each of them 28,000 rivers join. Filled with them they join eastern Lavan Ocean and western Lavan Ocean. In Haimavat region, Rohita joins the eastern Lavan Ocean and Rohitansha joins the western Lavan Ocean. In
Hairanyavat region Suparvkula joins the eastern Lavan Ocean and 4 Rupyakula joins the western Lavan Ocean. Thus in all these are 1,12,000 rivers in Haimavat and Hairanyavat region of Jambu island.
[Q. 13] Reverend Sir ! In Jambu island, how many are the great rivers in Harivarsh and Ramyakavarsh regions ?
[A.] Gautam ! There are four great rivers namely—(1) Harisalila, (2) Harikanta, (3) Narkanta, and (4) Narikanta. In each of them 56,000
rivers join. Filled with them they flow into eastern Lavan and western \ Lavan Ocean. In Harivarsh region Harisalila flows into eastern Lavan
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| जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
Jambudveep Prajnapti Sutra
44 445 454 455 456 457 45541414141414141414141414141414141
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