454 455 456 457 45 41 41 41 41 414 415 4
454545454 455 456 457 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 454 455 456 457 451 455 456 457 45 5 After scribing these symbols, he worships them. He picks up cooly 9 fragrant flowers of Rose, Mallika, Champa, Ashok, Punnaag, Mango
plant, Navmallika, Bakul, Tilak, Kaner, Kund, Kubjak, Korant, Marukk 4 and Damanak. They fall from his hands in a natural manner. They fall down to such an extent that there happens to be a knee high wonderful heap of flowers of five colours. He then holds the incense pot made of neelam precious stone carefully and keenly spreads its fragrance. The said pot had a shining handle made of Chandrakant jewels, diamonds 4 and neelam precious stones. It was sketched with gold, precious stones $1 and jewels. It contained black agar, best Kundrukk, Lobaan and the
fragrant incense covering out of it was spreading all around. It was 4 cmitting waves of their smoke. After spreading incense in this manner,
he moves seven-eight steps towards the Tirthankar, folds his hands, 45 touches the forehead with folded hands praises his slow, loud and very
mild voice with noble words and meaningful 108 poems in his honour. Thereafter he raises his left knee, touches the ground with his right knee and touches his forehead with folded hands. He then says
"O the liberated ! The Omniscient ! The devoid of Karma dust ! O monk with equanimous mind ! O the fully blessed ! O one with perfect si mind word and perfect activity ! O the destroyers of the thorn of Karma! O the fearless completely devoid of attachment and hatred ! O without an iota of worldly attitude ! O favoid of worldly disturbances ! O the destroyer of worldly ego ! The possessor of sublime qualities, possessor of they Ocean of Chastity, possessor of infinite knowledge and attributes ! The would be emperor of the realm of Dharma ! One worshipped by the entire world or destroyer of all Karmas—The enemies of the mundane
soul ! I bow to you. With these words, he bows to Bhagavan praises his Fi and senses him standing neither very near nor very far from him.
The description of anointing by Pranatendra upto Ishanendra may be understood as similar to that by Achyudendra. Bhavanpati Indra, 5 Paripatetic Indras, stellar Indra namely sun and the moon perform the F coronation (of Tirthankar) in the same manner with their family (gods F and goddesses).
Thereafter, Ishanendra creates five Ishan gods with fluid process i one of them picks up the Bhagavan with palms of his hands and then
sits on his throne facing east, the second one holds the umbrella at the F back and the Ishanendra move the whisks. One Ishanendra stands in
front holding Trishul in his hands.
FFFFFhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhF FF FFFF
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|पंचम वक्षस्कार
Fifth Chapter
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