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bright. Every one of them is surrounded by a lotus Vedika and a forest.
The description of forest, three runged stairs, four arched gates on four 卐 sides, the land area and the like is the same as earlier mentioned.
In the middle of it, there is a grand palace. It is sixty two and a half
yojan high and thirty one and a quarter yojan in length and breadth. The
description of its upper part, the land, the lower part, the seat and
connected material, the rows of palaces that surround the main palace
and the like is similar to that mentioned elsewhere.
१०५. [ ३ ] तेसि णं मूलपासायवर्डिसयाणं उत्तरपुरत्थिमे दिसीभाए एत्थ णं जमगाणं देवाणं सहाओ सुहम्माओ पण्णत्ताओ । अद्धतेरस जोअणाई आयामेणं, छस्सकोसाई जोअणाई विक्खंभेणं, णव जोअणाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं, अणेगखंभसयसण्णिविट्ठा सभावण्णओ, तासि णं सभाणं सुहम्माणं तिदिसिं तओ दारा पण्णत्ता । ते णं दारा दो जोअणाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं, जोअणं विक्खंभेणं, तावइअं चेव पवेसेणं, सेआ वण्णओ जाव वणमाला।
सि णं दाराणं पुरओ पत्ते २ तओ मुहमंडवा पण्णत्ता । ते णं मुहमंडवा अद्धत्तेरसजोअणाई
फ आयामेणं, छस्सकोसाइं जोअणाइं विक्खंभेणं, साइरेगाइं दो जोअणाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं । दारा भूमिभागा य यत्ति । पेच्छाघरमंडवाणं तं चेव पमाणं भूमिभागो मणिपेढिआओत्ति, ताओ णं मणिपेढिआओ जो 5 आयामविक्खंभेणं, अद्धजोअणं बाहल्लेणं सव्वमणिमईआ सीहासणा भाणिअव्वा ।
Out of the rows of palaces, the palaces in the first row are thirty one and a quarter yojan high and a little more than fifteen and a half yojan in length and breadth. The palaces in the second row are a little more than fifteen and a half yojan high and a little more than seven and a half yojan in length and breadth. The palaces in the third row are a little more than seven and a half yojan high and more than three and a half yojan in length 5 and breadth. The entire description of seats (thrones) and connected material may be understood the same as mentioned earlier.
फ जम्बूद्वीप प्रज्ञप्ति सूत्र
255555559555555559595959595959595959555555955555559555 @
तेसि णं पेच्छाघरमंडवाणं पुरओ मणिपेढिआओ पण्णत्ताओ । ताओ णं मणिपेढिआओ दो जोअणाई
फ आयामविक्खंभेणं, जोअणं बाहल्लेणं, सव्वमणिमईओ । तासि णं उप्पिं पत्तेअं २ तओ थूभा । ते णं थूभा 5
5 दो जोअणाई उद्धं उच्चत्तेणं, दो जोअणाई आयामविक्खंभेणं, सेआ संखतल जाव अट्ठट्ठमंगलया ।
卐 सिणं थूभाणं चउद्दिसिं चत्तारि मणिपेढिआओ पण्णत्ताओ । ताओ णं मणिपेढिआओ जोअणं 5
आयामविक्खंभेणं, अद्धजोअणं बाहल्लेणं, जिणपडिमाओ वत्तव्वाओ। चेइअरुक्खाणं मणिपेढिआओ दो
5 जोअणाई आयामविक्खंभेणं, जोअणं बाहल्लेणं, चेइअ - रुक्ख-वण्ण ओत्ति ।
Jain Education International
तेसि इअ - रुक्खाणं पुरओ तओ मणि- पेढिआओ पण्णत्ताओ । ताओ णं मणि - पेढि आओ
5 जोअणं आयामविक्खंभेणं, अद्धजोअणं बाहल्लेणं । तासि णं उप्पिं पत्तेअं २ महिंदज्झया पण्णत्ता । ते गं 5
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