His face was serene like full moon. He had a pair of well set and well shaped ears that looked charming on his face.
His cheeks were fleshy and plump.
His black and smooth eye-brows were beautiful and slanted like a bow and slim like a line of black clouds.
His eyes were white like white lotus. * These white eyes with eyelids and eye-lashes looked like a white
lotus in partial bloom. * His nose was long, pointed and prominent like the beak of an Leagle (garud).
His lips were red like a well shaped coral or a bimb fruit (kundaru).
The rows of his teeth were spotless and brilliant white like pieces of moon, purest conch-shells, cow's milk, foam, kund flower, drops of water and lotus stalk.
These teeth were unbroken, well formed, strong, free of cavities and cracks, and closely set. They looked smooth, shining and beautifully shaped.
Many teeth in a row appeared to be a single piece (so closely set). His tongue and palate were red like molten gold.
His beard and moustache remained the same always (never growing), were well parted, light and exquisite.
His chin was well defined prominent and broad like that of a cheetah.
His neck measured four fingers in width. It was prominent and had three lines like the best of conch-shells.
His shoulders were strong, massive and broad like those of a E buffalo, boar, lion, leopard, bull and bull elephant.
His arms were long, round, strong and shapely like a yoke or a yupa (the ceremonial pillar in a yajna). With powerful wrists the arms were well shaped, solid, perfectly structured and well jointed with sinews. They looked like the round chain-bolt of a city gate.
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Aupapatik Sutra
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Jain Education International