sadhvis female ascetics [16 (c)]
Sagaropam a metaphoric unit of time (81, 88, 100, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 129)
Sahasambuddhanam (Svayamsambuddhanam) the self-enlightened ones (20)
Sahasambuddhe (Svayam-sambuddh) = the self-enlightened one [16 (a)]
sahasrapaak a type of medicated and perfumed oil (48)
sahasrapatra = a kind of lotus (112)
Sahasrar name of a dev-lok; eighth heaven (37, 161, 163)
Sahasrara kalp dev-lok (118)
sajiva (sajjivam) art of converting metallic salts into metals (107)
sakar upayog manifest vivacity (154) sakaropayoga = pulsating knowledge (153) sakriya involved in sinful deeds [30 (g); indulges in mundane activities, physical, vocal, and mental (64, 67) sallekhana = ultimate Vow and austerity (57, 100, 124); to reduce association from body and passions (86) sam-chaturasra (sam-chauramsa) = the anatomical structure of a human being where parallel lines drawn from the extremities of a body sitting cross-legged form a square and all the parts of body are of standard dimensions [16 (b), 62] Sama = one of the four Vedas (77) samanik gods (37)
samataal (samataalam) knowledge of beats (107)
samavasaran = the divine assembly of a Tirthankar (21, 37)
Samaya = the ultimate fractional unit of time that cannot be divided any further; the smallest unit of time (28, 143, 144, 153, 170, 182)
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samayik = the prescribed Jain meditation aimed at equanimity (57)
samayik charitra vinaya [30 (g)] sambhinnashroto labdhi highly enhanced capacity to hear [24 (b)] sambhogik ascetics of the same group or those following the same codes [30 (g)
samghat divine physical build (33) samhanan = constitution (156) samhriyaman charya to resolve to accept alms only from the portion that the donor has put in a pot after cooling it by spreading in a bowl [30 (c)] samitis regulations (27)
Samkhya a class of Parivrajaks; the followers of the Samkhya school of philosophy (76)
Samkhya school [56 (b))
samkhyadatik to resolve to accept food only in counted units such as one piece or one spoon or one unbroken pouring [30 (c))
Sammajjak = those who bathe by repeating dips (74)
samman = to honour them [30 (g)] sammananiya = suitable for giving a place of honour in one's mind [2 (b)) sammat agreeable (87)
Samprakshalak those who cleanse. their body by rubbing sand or clay (74) samrakshananubandhi raudradhyan = to think violently of protecting acquired wealth and other means of enjoyment (30 (g)]
samsar vyutsarg [30 (g)]
samsaranupreksha to revolve around the thought that with passage of time this being enters into a variety of relationships and takes birth in a variety of forms (30 (g)]
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