ibhya affluent (23, 38)
ichchha parimaan = to limit the desire of possession (57)
iha inquiry (92, 118)
Indra = the king or overlord of gods (11 (b), 37, 50]
indriya pratisamlinata activities of sense organs [30 (f)]
irya = movement (27)
irya samiti = care of movement (114) Ishan name of a dev-lok; second heaven (37, 161, 163)
Ishat = a name for Siddhashila (165) = a name for
Ishatpragbhara Siddhashila (165) Ishatpragbhara Prithvi the land or world just before the edge (162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167)
isht adorable (87)
restraint of
ishushastra and (isattham and chharuppavayam) the use of energized arrows or missiles like naag-baan and knife throwing (107) ishvar influential and rich persons (38) Isigina Isin; name of a geographic area (55)
itvarik = abstaining from food intake for a specific period of time or temporary fasting [30 (b)]
itvarik tap temporary fasting [30 (b)]
jal-char = aquatic living being (118) Jal-vasi those who lived in water, like in a river (74)
jalla trapeze artists (1 (a), 2 (b)); filth [16 (b)); sand (69)
jallaushadhi labdhi = this power turned the slime or mucus from various parts of the adept's body fragrant and medicinal (24 (b))
Jain Education International
Jamali (122)
Jambudvipa = a continent (135, 137) janavaad (nanavaayam)= conversation and debating (107)
Janaye (Jnata/Jnapak) the lamp of knowledge and beacon on the path of victory over attachment and aversion [16 (a)]
jati with matted hair (49)
jati-smaran jnana the knowledge about earlier births (118)
jatisampanna = belonging to high castes (25)
java and so on upto (39)
Javayanam (Jnayakama/Jnapakanam) = lamps of knowledge and beacons on the path of victory over attachment and aversion (20)
Jayant (163)
jayini racing at high speed (49) jhalar = a musical instrument (49, 52) jhool = caparisons (42)
jihvendriya-vishaya-prachar-nirodh to restrain the indulgence of mind in activities of the sense organ of tasting [30 (D)
Jinanam and aversion (20)
Jine (Jina) = the conqueror of attachment and aversion [16 (a)]
jiva the living or soul [56 (b), 94, 124]
Jivadayanam (Jivanadayakanam) those who give spiritual meaning to life (20)
conquerors of attachment
Jivadaye (Jivanprad) he who gives spiritual meaning to life [16 (a)] jivaghan compact soul (154) Jivapradeshik a group of dissenters. (122)
jnana vinaya = modesty of knowledge [30 (g)]
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