Amar = immortal ones (187) amaranant dosh = continued indulgence in mistakes and sinful activities without any repentance till the end of life (30 (g)] amarshaushadhi labdhi = this power turned the touch of the adept curative (24 (b)] amatsarata = absence of jealousy and appreciation of virtues (57) amatya (amachch) = counselors heading eighteen different sections (15) Ambad = a class of Parivrajaks (76) Ambubhakshi = those who subsisted only on water (74) amralata = a creeper (8) anagar (anagaar) = homeless (23); homeless ascetic (93) anagar bhagavant = venerable ascetic (114, 126, 129) anagar dharma = ascetic way (38); ascetic code (57) anakar upayog = non-manifest vivacity (154) Anant = Infinite and Eternal (16 (a), 20) anant dev sukha = endless divine happiness (181) anantavrittitanupreksha = to contemplate again and again about the eternality of the cycles of rebirth (30 (g)] Anapannik = a class among vaanvyantar gods (35, 37) anarth-dand = unnecessary harm to others (97) anarth-dand viraman = to avoid attitudes and indulgences that are detrimental to the attributes of soul (57) anarya = of ignoble class (56 (a)] anashan = to abandon food and desire for food (30 (a)] Anat - name of a dev-lok; ninth heaven (37, 161, 163)
anavasthapyarh prayashchit - the atonement that includes banishment of the defaulter from the ascetic order and * not re-initiating him as long as he does not successfully perform the specified austerities prescribed for atonement (30 (g)] anayukt gaman = improper and careless movement (30 (g)] anayukt nishidan = improper and careless sitting (30 (g)] anayukt prollanghan = improper and careless crossing of water or slime on the way repeatedly (30 (g)]
sarvandriyakayayoga yojanata = indulge in improper and careless activities of all sense organs and body (30 (g)] anayukt sthan = improper and careless halting and standing (30 (g)] anayukt tvagvartan = improper and careless lying and turning (30 (g)] anayukt ullanghan = improper and careless crossing of water or slime on the way [30 (g)] angad = bracelet for upper arm (79) Angul = a linear measurement equal to the width of a finger (135, 167, 172, 173, 174) anima = power of miniaturization (56 (b)] anishthivak = to resolve not to spit (30(e)) anisrisht (anisitthe) = food given without permission of the owner (96) anityanupreksha = to revolve around the thought that mundane things are ephemeral (30 (g)] anjan = collyrium (38) ankush = gardening hook used for cutting leaves from trees (86) annaglyayak = to resolve to accept food only if it was cooked on the previous day (30 (c)]
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