पापस्थानों की आलोचना कर, प्रतिक्रमण कर, समाधि-अवस्था प्राप्त कर, मृत्युकाल आने से पर देह का त्याग कर उत्कृष्ट सहस्रारकल्प देवलोक में देव रूप में उत्पन्न होते हैं। अपने स्थान के के अनुरूप उनकी गति होती है। उनकी वहाँ स्थिति अठारह सागरोपम-प्रमाण होती है। वे परलोक के आराधक होते हैं। (शेष वर्णन पूर्ववत् जानें।) THE UPAPAT OF SENTIENT FIVE SENSED ANIMALS
118. Because of the extinction-cum-pacification (kshayopasham) of jnanavaraniya (knowledge obscuring) karma and viryantaraya (potency hindering) karma caused by noble assiduity (adhyavasaya), good intentions (parinam) and purity of leshyas tut (colour-code indicator of purity of soul) many of these sentient (sanjni), fully developed (paryapt), animals (tiryanch) including aquatic (jal-char), terrestrial (sthal-char) and aerial (khe-char) @ beings acquire jati-smaran jnana or regain the memories of their parent births preceding the sentient state while indulging in the gradualmente process of iha (inquiry), apoh (deduction), margana (confirmation) and gaveshana (elimination) about the self.
As a result of acquiring jati-smaran jnana (the knowledge about earlier births), these beings accept five minor vows of their own 9 volition. For many years they live enkindling their soul in many can
ways observing vows of spiritual discipline, restraints that reinforce the practice of anuvrats, disinterest in the mundane, renunciation of in and partial ascetic vow. They repent (doing critical review or pratikraman) and atone before the guru for their sinful deeds and transcend into the state of meditation. When time comes they end abandon their earthly bodies and are born as gods in the lofty Sahasrara kalp dev-lok. Their state (gati) is according to their respective status. Their life-span there is eighteen Sagaropam (a metaphoric unit of time). They are spiritual aspirants for next birth (because they atone for their sins). (rest of the details as already mentioned) आजीवकों का उपपात
११९. से जे इमे गामागर जाव सण्णिवेसेसु आजीविया भवंति, तं जहा9. quintui, 2. Fariafun, 3. H aren, 8. Jumalleen, e
kuku kukkkkkkkkk
अम्बड़ परिव्राजक प्रकरण
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Story of Ambad Parivrajak
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