माण्डलिक राजा, ऐश्वर्यशाली या प्रभावशाली पुरुषों, राज सम्मानित विशिष्ट नागरिकों, जागीरदारों, भूस्वामियों, कौटुम्बिकों, परिवार के प्रमुखों, इभ्यों, श्रेष्ठी, सेनापति, सार्थवाहों, दूतों, संधिपालों-सीमान्त प्रदेशों के अधिकारियों से घिरा हुआ ऐसा लग रहा था मानो विशाल बादलों से निकलकर नक्षत्रों व झिलमिलाते तारों के मध्य चन्द्रमा सुशोभित हो रहा हो ।
( टीकाकार ने बताया है, यहाँ स्नानघर को बादलों की, गणनायक आदि को नक्षत्रतारागण की तथा राजा को चन्द्रमा की उपमा दी है ।)
48. King Kunik, the son of Bhambhasar, was satisfied and pleased to get this report from the army commander. He then went and entered his gymnasium. There he performed a variety of exercises including body stretch, skipping, bending, wrestling, and swinging clubs and maces. He continued these exercises till he got tired and exhausted. Then he underwent a course of aromatherapy by getting his body rubbed with shatpaak and sahasrapaak medicated and perfumed oils and pastes. These oils and pastes had properties of improving blood and fluid circulation (prinaniya), enhancing physical strength (darpaniya), acting as aphrodisiac (madaniya), toning up of muscles (brimhaniya) and rejuvenating and exhilarating body and senses (alhadajanak).
After that he sat on an oilcloth (a mattress made smooth by oil) and got four types of body-massage-bone stimulating, muscle stimulating, skin stimulating and hair stimulating-from expert masseurs. The masseurs had very soft palms and heels. They were astute (chhek), skilled (daksh), well trained (praptarth), dexterous, experienced in new and old techniques (medhavi), and artful (samvahan). They were accomplished in all aspects of massaging including rubbing of oils, creams and pastes (abhyangan); kneading for deeper penetration of oils (parimardan); reverse rubbing or rubbing against the tilt of body-hair (udvalan).
Thus relieved of his fatigue and getting refreshed, the king left the gymnasium, came to his bathroom and entered it. It was a
Aupapatik Sutra
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