commit gross transgression of ascetic conduct and willingly break the great vows.) (9) Anavasthapyarh-The atonement that includes banishment of the defaulter from the ascetic order and not re-initiating him as long as he does not successfully perform the specified austerities prescribed for atonement. (This atonement is prescribed for those who steal things belonging to co-religionist or other ascetics or even householders and who fight among each other.) (10) Paranchikarh - The atonement done with an earnest desire to rise above one's sinful doings with the help of austerities. (This involves banishing from the order, performing the prescribed austerities as a householder, and retaking the vows. This atonement is prescribed for an ascetic with intense passions; who is an evil doer, extremely torpid and alcoholic; and who indulges in sinful deeds including sodomy in his state of stupor. For more details consult Brihatkalp, 4)
विवेचन - आचार्य श्री घासीलाल जी महाराज ने टीका में अनवस्थाप्यार्ह प्रायश्चित्त के दो भेदों का उल्लेख किया है
(क) आशातनाऽनवस्थाप्य - जो तीर्थंकर, संघ, श्रुत, आचार्य, उपाध्याय, गणधर एवं लब्धिधारियों की आशातना करता है, उसे उस दोष की विशुद्धि हेतु यह नवम् प्रायश्चित्त दिया जाता है। इसमें जघन्य छह मास तथा उत्कृष्ट एक वर्ष तक तप कराया जाता है।
(ख) प्रतिसेवनाऽनवस्थाप्यार्ह - जो स्वधर्मी तथा अन्य धर्मी की चोरी करता है, क्रूरतापूर्वक मारपीट करता है, उसे प्रतिसेवनाऽनवस्थाप्यार्ह प्रायश्चित्त आता है। यह प्रायश्चित्त जघन्य एक वर्ष तथा उत्कृष्ट बारह वर्ष का होता है। पारांचिकाई तप के भी नवम् प्रायश्चित्त की तरह आशातना पारांचिकाई तथा प्रतिसेवना पारांचिकाई ये दो भेद हैं। विस्तृत विवरण के लिए देखें-आचार्य श्री घासीलाल जी महाराज कृत पीयूषवर्षिणी टीका, पृष्ठ २४२-२५६ )
Elaboration-In his commentary (Tika) Acharya Shri Ghasilal ji M. has mentioned two types of Anavasthapyarh atonement
(a) Ashatanaanavasthapya-This atonement is prescribed for the fault of committing acts of disrespect to Tirthankar, Sangh (religious organization), scriptures, Acharya (head of the order), Upadhyaya (teacher of scriptures), Ganadhar (chief disciple of a Tirthankar) and ascetics endowed with special powers. Its duration is minimum six months and maximum one year.
(b) Pratisevanaanavasthapyarh-This atonement is prescribed for those who indulge in theft and fierce fighting. Its duration is minimum समवसरण अधिकार
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