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## Dashami Dasha
**With Hindi Commentary**
Here, a question may arise: What is meant by Ayati-Sthan? In response, it is said: "Ayatirnamoत्तरकालः 'Ayatistuत्तरः kaal' iti vachanaat tasya sthanam padamityarthaḥ" which means that the place where the result occurs in the future, after birth, is called Ayati-Sthan.
Shri Bhagwan described this Dasha with its meaning, cause, and reason. He explained the subject again and again, with reference to the Sutra in terms of Atmagam, with reference to the meaning in terms of Vyākhyā, and with reference to both (Sutra and meaning). He also explained that "Jnānakriyābhyām mokshaḥ" - liberation can only be achieved through right knowledge and right conduct (charitra), and not otherwise. Liberation cannot be achieved by knowledge alone, nor by conduct alone, but only when both knowledge and conduct come together, can the soul be absorbed in the goal of liberation. Therefore, Shri Bhagwan gave a detailed discourse on this subject, saying: "O Aryas! You can destroy karma through Pandit-Veerya, and increase the cycle of Samsara through Baal-Veerya, and you can go towards the goal through both Baal and Pandit-Veerya. But Pandit-Veerya can only be achieved when actions are performed without any Nidana (cause). Then, with that same Pandit-Veerya, the soul can destroy the eight types of karma and attain liberation. Thus, the assembly was delighted to hear the repeated teachings of Shri Shraman Bhagwan Mahavira Swami and became eager to worship according to Bhagwan's instructions.
Shri Sudharma Swami says to Shri Jambu Swami: "O disciple! Just as I heard the meaning of the tenth Dasha, called Ayati-Nama, from the mouth of Shri Bhagwan, I have conveyed the same to you. I have not added anything from my own intellect."