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One should definitely make a stronger effort to regain it, so that in due time, he may be able to acquire the said right faith, etc., and become capable of his own welfare.
Those individuals who have special क्षयोपशम भाव (feelings of destruction and pacification) automatically attain human birth. But those who do not have these feelings, attain it through good advice. By good advice, we mean the good advice of virtuous men, which requires special effort and practice to obtain. It has been seen in the world that man has a greater inclination towards bad company, and many kinds of advice cannot turn many individuals towards the right path. If the tendencies of the mind are directed towards this from the very beginning, then complete success can be achieved. The company of those individuals from whom virtue, knowledge, etc., can be obtained, can be called good company. Even today, great intelligence and cleverness are needed to identify such individuals. Because many individuals create false pretense and trap innocent youths in their net, pushing them away from the right path and drowning them in the well of the worst company.
The said good company has been described in three ways - द्रव्य - सुसंगति (material good company), क्षेत्र सुसंगति (regional good company) and काल- सुसंगति (temporal good company). द्रव्य - सुसंगति is also of three types - सचित्त (conscious), अचित्त (unconscious) and मिश्रित (mixed). सचित्त द्रव्य are living beings like humans, अचित्त are enjoyable objects and मिश्रित are musical instruments like veena, etc. For good company, one should associate with those humans whose conduct is pure and who are believers. Their company brings newness and purity to life. One's knowledge keeps increasing day by day and in due time, he becomes capable of his own welfare. In this way, the scriptures mention five types of knowledge - मति - ज्ञान (intellectual knowledge), श्रुत-ज्ञान (scriptural knowledge), अवधि - ज्ञान (clairvoyance), मनः पर्यव-ज्ञान (knowledge of the mind) and केवल - ज्ञान (omniscience). Among these five, श्रुत - ज्ञान is considered to be the most beneficial. Because when someone continuously listens to the pure Aryan words from the mouth of the guru, then their soul will definitely be affected by them and in this way, after obtaining श्रुत - ज्ञान, the rest of the knowledge can be obtained without much effort and then he will continue to strive to purify his soul.