454 455 456 457 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
4 41 41 41 41 44 45 46 47 46 45 4 Disha-Pad (Segment of directions) 239 Ritu-Pad (Segment of seasons) Ahar-Pad (Segment of food) 241 Avamaratra-Pad (Segment of Unmaad-Pad (Segment of madness) 242 date skipping) Pramad-Pad (Segment of stupor) 242 Atiratra-Pad (Segment of Pratilekhana-Pad (Segment of
date skipping) inspection)
243 Arthavagrah-Pad (Segment of Leshya-Pad (Segment of
acquiring information) complexion of soul)
244 Avadhi-Jnana-Pad (Segment of Agramahishis-Pad (Segment of
avadhi-jnana) chief queens)
244 Avachan-Pad (Segment of Sthiti-Pad (Segment of life span) 245
ignoble words) Mahattarika-Pad (Segment of
Kalp-Prastaar-Pad (Segment of principal goddess)
245 formulating atonements) Agramahishis-Pad (Segment of
Palimanthu-Pad (Segment of chief queens)
245 detriments of ascetic praxis) Samanik-Pad (Segment of
Kalpasthiti-Pad (Segment of gods of equal status)
246 praxis observation) Mati-Pad (Segment of intellectual Mahavir Shasht-Bhakt-Pad faculty)
246 (Segment of Mahavir's Tapah-Pad (Segment of austerities) 248 two-day fasting) Vivaad-Pad (Segment of debate) 249
Vimaan-Pad (Segment of Gochar-Charya-Pad (Segment of
celestial vehicles) moving for alms)
250 Deva-Pad (Segment of gods) Mahanarak-Pad (Segment of
Bhojan-Parinam-Pad (Segment of worst hell)
250 benefits of food) Vimaan-Prastat-Pad (Segment of Vish-Parinam-Pad (Segment of
gap between celestial vehicles) 251 effects of poison) Nakshatra-Pad (Segment of
Prashna-Pad (Segment of constellations) 251 question)
265 Itihas-Pad (Segment of history) 252 Virahit-Pad (Segment of Samyam-Asamyam-Pad
265 (Segment of discipline and
Ayurbandh-Pad (Segment of indiscipline) 253 life span bondage)
266 Kshetra Parvat-Pad (Segment of Parbhavik Ayurbandh-Pad
areas and mounatians) 254 (Segment of life span Mahadraha-Pad (Segment of
bondage for next birth) great lakes)
255 Bhaava-Pad (Segment of state) Mahanadi-Pad (Segment of
Pratikraman-Pad (Segment of great rivers)
256 critical review) Dhatakikhand-Pushkarvar-Pad
Nakshatra-Pad (Segment of (Segment of Dhatakikhand
270 Pushkarvar) 257 Pudgal-Pad
455 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 4545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545455 456 457 455 456 457 456 457 455 456 457 455 456 457 4554
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