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city of Dvarika. A haunted house or that infested with venomous creatures like snakes should be abandoned. This is called kshetrapaya (area related misery).
The period that appears terrifying in all respects, irrespective of its being short or long, is called kaalapaya (time related misery). Such $ period should be spent with religiosity because the only means of removing kaalapaya (terrible times) is to turn religious.
lestroy virtues of soul and cause perversion. Therefore they are called bhaavapaya (state or feeling related misery). For example Chandakaushik became a serpent due to intense passions during his earlier birth. After getting Bhagavan Mahavir's sermon he became aware that passions were the root cause of his predicament. He then embraced forgiveness devoting rest of his life to meditation and reincarnated in a higher divine realm.
(b) Upaaya-the means and methods employed to obtain desired things are called upaaya. This also has four extensions based on matter, space, time and state.
(c) Sthaapana karma--the example that counters other doctrine and supports or establishes own doctrine is called sthaapana karma. An example is the story of Pundareek mentioned in the first chapter of the second shrutskandh of Sutrakritanga Sutra. To remove misunderstanding and doubts and put some one on the right path is also sthaapana karma.
(d) Pratyutpanna vinashi--if there are chances of loosing some virtue, immediate efforts should be made to avoid that. For example efforts to prevent a girl from going to an erotic dance in order to protect her chastity. In the same way to make efforts to take preventive measures if there are chances of disciples taking to the wrong path are called Pratyutpanna vinashi.
2. Aharanataddesh-Partial example in which only a portion of the 4 idea is reflected is called Aharanataddesh. For example—"Her face is
serene like the moon." Here only the attribute of serenity of the
metaphor-the moon-has been taken into consideration. Even though 4 moon has many unique attributes still only one of them, serenity, has 4 been applied to the object, the face. This example is Aharanataddesh
jnata. This too has four branches
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