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ॐ मनोदण्ड, वचन दूषित होने पर वचनदण्ड और काय दूषित होने से वह कायदण्ड हो जाता है। कषायभाव व राग-द्वेष की विद्यमानता सभी में रहती है, इस दृष्टि से यहाँ 'दण्ड' को एक कहा है।
Elaboration The specific action or attitude through which soul is punished or gets abused is called dand. In other words the damaging action or attitude, instigated by passions, through which the basic qualities of soul, namely knowledge and conduct, are rendered worthless
is called dand (punishment or abuse). There are two kinds of dand"dravya dand (physical punishment) and bhaava dand (mental or Hi emotional abuse). To hit with staff, stick, sword (etc.) is physical 41
punishment. Indulgence in ignoble action through mind, speech and body is mental or emotional abuse.
Every action has three stages-origin, indulgence and conclusion. 4 In case of dand (punishment or abuse) all the three have just one root$1 the passion-driven attitude of soul or coming of soul under influence of si
passions. When mental activity is infested with attachment and aversion it is the manifestation of manodand (mental or emotional abuse), when vocal activity is so influenced it is the manifestation of vachan dand (vocal abuse) and when physical activity is so affected it is the manifestation of 41 kaaya dand (physical abuse). In every case passions, attachment and aversion are present. It is with this view that dand is said to be one.
४. एगा किरिया।
४. क्रिया एक है। ___4. Kriya (action) is one.
विवेचन-मन, वचन और काय की प्रवृत्ति या व्यापार को क्रिया कहते हैं। वह अशुभ और शुभ दोनों प्रकार की होती है। क्रिया के अनेक भेदों का कथन आगे इसी सूत्र में आया है, किन्तु उन सभी
भेदों में प्रवृत्तिरूप क्रिया समान है, अतः क्रिया एक कही है। $i Elaboration—The indulgence or involvement of mind, speech and body
in some activity is called kriya (activity). It is of two types noble and ignoble. The mention of numerous kinds of kriya follows in this very text.
However, the act of indulgence is common to all those kinds of actions. " It is in this context that kriya (action) is said to be one.
५. एगे लोए। ६. एगे अलोए। ७. एगे धम्मे। ८. एगे अहम्मे। ९. एगे बंधे। १०. एगे मोक्खे। ११. एगे पुण्णे। १२. एगे पावे। १३. एगे आसवे। १४. एगे संवरे। १५. एगा वेयणा। १६. एगा णिज्जरा।
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स्थानांगसूत्र (१)
Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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