shrut, kula-sheel, kula-charitra. [In 21 aphorisms from 390 to 410 there + are 21 quads-6 associated with jati, 5 with kula, 4 with bal, 3 with shrut, 3 with rupa, 2 with shrut and 1 with sheel. ]
Purush (men) are of four kinds-(1) Some man is jati sampanna $i (of good maternal lineage) and not rupa sampanna (endowed with
beauty). (2) Some man is rupa sampanna and not jati sampanna. (3) Some man is both jati sampanna and rupa sampanna. (4) Some man is neither jati sampanna nor rupa sampanna.
393. (4) Purush (men) are of four kinds—(1) Some man is jati sampanna (of good maternal lineage) and not shrut sampanna (having knowledge of scriptures). (2) Some man is shrut sampanna and not jati sampanna. (3) Some man is both jati sampanna and shrut sampanna. (4) Some man is neither.jati sampanna nor shrut sampanna. .
394. (5) Purush (men) are of four kinds-(1) Some man is jati 4i sampanna (of good maternal lineage) and not sheel sampanna (endowed 卐 with good character). (2) Some man is sheel sampanna and not jati
sampanna. (3) Some man is both jati sampanna and sheel sampanna. (4) Some man is neither jati sampanna nor sheel sampanna.
395. (6) Purush (men) are of four kinds(1) Some man is jati sampanna फ़ (of good maternal lineage) and not chaaritra sampanna (endowed with 卐
pious conduct). (2) Some man is chaaritra sampanna and not jati sampanna. (3) Some man is both jati sampanna and chaaritra sampanna. (4) Some man is neither jati sampanna nor chaaritra sampanna.
कुल-पद KULA-PAD (SEGMENT OF LINEAGE) ___ ३९६. (७) [चत्तारि पुरिसजाया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-कुलसंपण्णे णाममेगे णो बलसंपण्णे, बलसंपण्णे णाममेगे णो कुलसंपण्णे, एगे कुलसंपण्णेवि बलसंपण्णेवि, एगे णो कुलसंपण्णे णो बलसंपण्णे ]
३९७. (८) [चत्तारि पुरिसजाया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा–कुलसंपण्णे णाममेगे णो रूवसंपण्णे, रूवसंपण्णे णाममेगे णो कुलसंपण्णे, एगे कुलसंपण्णेवि रूवसंपण्णेवि, एगे णो कुलसंपण्णे णो # स्वसंपण्णे ] म ३९८. (९) [चत्तारि पुरिसजाया पण्णत्ता, तं जहा-कुलसंपण्णे णाममेगे णो सुयसंपण्णे, की सुयसंपण्णे णाममेगे णो कुलसंपण्णे, एगे कुलसंपण्णेवि सुयसंपण्णेवि, एगे णो कुलसंपण्णे णो म सुयसंपण्णे ]
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Fourth Sthaan
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