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45454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545454545 constellations cast a favourable influence on body and mind when 4 auspicious tasks are performed facing east or north. Whereas the influence is unfavourable when we perform the task facing west or south. East represents light and progress; north represents patience and affluence.
In Bhagavati Sutra the names of the four lok-paals (guardian angels) of the four cardinal directions are mentioned-Soma is the lok-paal of east, Yam is that of south, Varun is that of west and Vaishraman is that of north. Soma and Vaishraman cast soothing influence and are protectors of the religious. It is probable that this may be the reason for considering east and north to be auspicious directions. All Tirthankars do their spiritual practices facing these two directions. They also give their sermon in the Samavasaran facing these two directions.
At the time of initiation the aspirant is given two instructionsgrahan shiksha or directions to listen to and understand the scriptures,
and aasevan shiksha-directions for cleaning and looking after ascetic 5 equipment including the bowls.
Mention of seven kinds of ascetic groups (mandali) is available in scriptures—(1) Sutra-mandali-to be in a group during recitation of
scriptures. (2) Arth-mandali-to be in a group during recitation of the " meaning of scriptures. (3) Bhojan-mandali—to be in a group during 5 taking meals. (4) Kaal-pratilekhan-mandali--to be in a group during
periodic cleansing. (5) Pratikraman-mandali—to be in a group during critical review. (6) Svadhyaya-mandali—to be in a group during studies. (7) Samstarak-mandali—to be in a group during making bed. Aphorism 168 lists all these.
To emaciate the body while subduing passions during the last moments of life is called samlekhana. To weaken passions for achieving
spiritual purity while abstaining from food and water intake for the 4 purpose of cleansing the body of its disorders during the last moments of
life is called bhakt-paan-pratyakhyan samadhimaran. To stop all activities of the body and lie still on the bed like an uprooted tree is called paadopagaman santhara. (Vritti and Tika by Abhayadev Suri, p. 184)
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Sthaananga Sutra (1)
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