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of purity of soul) attachment and passions exist, therefore the discipline up to this level is called discipline with attachment. Beyond this level there is an absence of fruition or influence of attachment and thus here the discipline is with detachment. Attachment is also of two kindssukshma or subtle and baadar or gross. At the tenth Gunasthaan only subtle attachment exists, therefore it is the level of sukshma samparaya samyam or discipline with subtle passions (where only a minute fraction of greed remains). The discipline from sixth to ninth Gunasthaan is called badar samparaya samyam or discipline with gross passions (there is gross fruition of inflamed passions but the discipline is still sublime as compared to that at preceding levels). During the last moment of the ninth Gunasthaan gross attachment becomes extinct and the souls cross into the tenth Gunasthaan. At this first Samaya of crossing the level it is called pratham Samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions during the first Samaya of attaining the level) and after that it is apratham Samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions any time after the first Samaya of attaining the level). In the same way the discipline during the last moment before crossing the tenth Gunasthaan is called charam Samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions during the ultimate Samaya before crossing the tenth Gunasthaan) and before that it is called acharam samaya sukshma samparaya saraag samyam (discipline with attachment and subtle passions any time prior to the ultimate Samaya before crossing the tenth Gunasthaan). The terms pratham, apratham, charam and acharam are to be interpreted in the same way according to the specific level they are used for.
Passions are subjugated two ways—upasham (pacification) and kshaya (extinction). If a being dies in the state of upashant-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and pacified passions) he is reincarnated among the gods of Anuttar Vimaan (gods of a specific celestial vehicle).
The detached chhadmasth beings who reach the twelfth Gunasthaan are in the state of detached discipline during the moment of attaining the level and after as well as those during the ultimate moment of further transcending and before. A being with this kind of discipline is sure to get liberated.
द्वितीय स्थान
Second Sthaan
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