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passions at pre-omniscience level acquired through preaching). 118. Svayam-buddha chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam is of two kinds—pratham Samaya svayam-buddha chhadmasth ksheenkashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at self acquired pre-omniscience level during the first Samaya of attaining the level) and 'apratham Samaya svayam-buddha chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at self acquired pre-omniscience level any time after the first Samaya of attaining the level). Also charam Samaya svayam-buddha chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at self acquired preomniscience level during the ultimate Samaya before crossing the level) and acharam Samaya svayam-buddha chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya ! Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at self acquired pre-omniscience level any time prior to the ultimate Samaya before crossing the level). 119. Buddhabodhit chhadmasth ksheenkashaya Vitarag samyam is of two kinds--pratham Samaya Buddhabodhit chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at preaching-inspired preomniscience level during the first Samaya of attaining the level) and apratham Samaya Buddhabodhit chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at preachinginspired pre-omniscience level any time after the first Samaya of attaining the level). Also charam Samaya Buddhabodhit chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at preaching-inspired pre-omniscience level during the ultimate Samaya before crossing the level) and acharam Samaya Buddhabodhit chhadmasth ksheen-kashaya Vitarag samyam (discipline with detachment and extinct passions at preaching-inspired pre-omniscience level any time prior to the ultimate Samaya before crossing the level). translucha174 farm 1494-96 KEVALI KSHEEN-KASHAYA VITARAG-SAMYAM-PAD
(SEGMENT OF KEVALI KSHEEN-KASHAYA VITARA-SAMYAM) 990. aferditores rutierri per quotet, Å JET- सजोगिकेवलिखीणकसायवीयरागसंजमे चेव, अजोगिकेवलिखीणकसायवीयरागसंजमे चेव। 卐 १२१. सजोगिकेवलिखीणकसायवीयरागसंजमे दुविहे पण्णत्ते, तं जहा-पढमसमय में सजोगिकेवलिखीणकसायवीयरागसंजमे चेव, अपढमसमय सजोगिकेवलिखीणकसायवीयरागसंजमे
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